Agriculture, forestry, hunting and fishing

Greenhouses and nurseries (discontinued)2006


About the statistics


Name and topic

Name: Greenhouses and nurseries (discontinued)
Topic: Agriculture, forestry, hunting and fishing

Responsible division

Division for Primary Industry Statistics

Definitions of the main concepts and variables

Holding: an agricultural business, including livestock farming and horticulture. A holding covers everything that is run as a unit under management and has shared use of production facilities, and is not dependent on municipality boundaries.

Greenhouse: an area that can be entered without having to remove a glass or plastic cover. Areas with a lower ceiling height than this are defined as hotbeds and are not classified as greenhouses.

Nursery: a business that cultivates ornamental plants, fruit trees and berry bushes. Forest nurseries are not included in the census.

Annual acreage: where numerous crops of the same culture are harvested in the same area the area is only counted once. Where the same area is used for numerous cultures, the area is divided into the different cultures according to the number of months that the cultures are grown.

Sales value: the value of finished products sold that are self-produced in a greenhouse. The sales value includes both sales to wholesalers/retailers and sales directly to consumers of self-produced finished products, including cultivations from small plants bought in.

Standard classifications

County. Oslo and Akershus are merged into one.

Administrative information

Regional level


Frequency and timeliness


International reporting

Not relevant


Revised microdata are stored electronically long term.


Background and purpose

The purpose of the statistics is to improve the quality of the total population of holdings, and to improve the quality of agricultural accounts.

The greenhouse industry is mapped through the full agricultural censuses that are carried out every 10 years. The last census of greenhouses and nurseries was conducted in connection with the Agricultural census 1999. A separate horticultural census was also carried out in 1985.

Users and applications

Data from the census are used by the trade associations, the Ministry of Agriculture and Food, the Ministry of the Environment and various research institutes, among others.

Equal treatment of users

Not relevant

Coherence with other statistics

Not relevant

Legal authority

Statistics Act §2-1, 2-2, 2-3, 3-2

EEA reference

Not relevant



The population is based on active holdings that are registered in the Farm register kept by the Norwegian Agricultural Authority, and covers all holdings with a minimum of 300 m2 greenhouse area and all holdings with a minimum of 1.0 decare nursery area.

Data sources and sampling

Data on roles, names and addresses are taken from Statistics Norway's Central register of establishments and enterprises, while holdings' identities and certain area data are taken from the total population of holdings.

Full count

Collection of data, editing and estimations

Form-based data collection, with the option to give responses via the Internet.

Controls and corrections are made in order to ensure consistency within a single form and between the form and register data available. Where necessary, the respondent is contacted in order to clarify anything that is unclear or to obtain missing information.

Seasonal adjustment

Not relevant


Not relevant

Comparability over time and space

The statistics are, for the most part, comparable as far back as 1929.

Accuracy and reliability

Sources of error and uncertainty

Primary data are taken from forms completed by respondents. Errors can sometimes occur when a respondent is completing the form. Most errors are discovered and corrected by personnel checking the forms in Statistics Norway. Some errors during collection and when administering the data are unavoidable. Errors can also occur during checks, data processing etc. Extensive efforts are made in order to reduce these types of errors to the greatest degree possible.

Non-response in the survey is due to respondents failing to return the form.

Register error: the quality of the register basis for defining the population can affect the quality of the final result. The quality of the register basis is considered to be good.


Not relevant