Lowest quantity cut in 25 years
Agriculture, forestry, hunting and fishing
skogav, Commercial roundwood removals, timber price, quantity timber cut, felling, forest waste, spruce, pine, broad-leaved trees, firewood, pulp wood, saw logsForestry , Agriculture, forestry, hunting and fishing

Commercial roundwood removals2002, preliminary figures



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Lowest quantity cut in 25 years

According to preliminary figures, a little less than 7.3 million cubic metres of industrial roundwood were cut for sale in 2002. A lower quantity of timber has not been cut since the working year 1977/78. Adding fuelwood to the quantity, the total volume of roundwood cut for sale in 2002 sums up to 8 million cubic metres.

Quantity cut for sale, by buyer group. Per cent. 2002*

Quantity cut for sale. 1923/24 - 2002*. 1 000 cubic metres

After a period of record high roundwood removals about 1990, the quantity of industrial roundwood cut for sale has stabilized between 7 and 8 million cubic metres per year the last 8 years. In 2002 only 7.3 million cubic metres were removed for commercial purposes. This is 400 000 cubic metres, or 5.5 per cent, less than the year before and the lowest quantity for sale since the working year 1977/78.

Most of the roundwood is sold to sawmills and wood products industry. During 2002 a total of 4 million cubic metres were sold to this kind of enterprises. This is 55 per cent of the timber cut for sale in 2002 and 7 per cent less than the quantity sold to the same kind of enterprises in 2001. A total of 2.6 million cubic metres were sold to the pulp industry, which is 6 per cent less than in the year before. On the other hand, there was an increase in the quantity sold to fibre- and particleboard industries and to the group of "other buyers". Also, more roundwood was exported than in the year before. These three categories of buyers purchased 37, 13, and 8 per cent, respectively, more in 2002 than in 2001.

Average price per cubic metre of industrial wood for sale. 1979/80 - 2002*. NOK

Lower timber prices

The forest owners sold roundwood to the industry to the value of NOK 2.2 billion in 2002. If the value of fuelwood is added, the total first-hand value of the commercial roundwood removals makes up to NOK 2.4 billion, which is 11 per cent less than in 2001.

The preliminary figures show that the average price per cubic metre sold to the industry was NOK 301 in 2002. This is 8 per cent lower than in 2001.

Increase in sales of fuelwood

The figures on roundwood sold as fuel is based on estimates. These estimates indicates that 790 000 cubic metres of roundwood were sold as fuelwood in 2002. This is 11 per cent higher than the year before and the highest quantity fuelwood for sale since the beginning of the 1950's.
