Highest timber cuts in 25 years
Agriculture, forestry, hunting and fishing
skogav, Commercial roundwood removals, timber price, quantity timber cut, felling, forest waste, spruce, pine, broad-leaved trees, firewood, pulp wood, saw logsForestry , Agriculture, forestry, hunting and fishing
Commercial roundwood removals 2015. Highest timber cuts in 25 years and falling prices.

Commercial roundwood removals2015, preliminary figures



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Highest timber cuts in 25 years

A total of 10.2 million cubic metres of industrial roundwood were cut for sale in 2015; an increase of 390 000 cubic metres from 2014. In the same period, the average price decreased by 4 per cent.

Commercial roundwood removals
2015Price change, per cent
1000 cubic metresNOK per cubic metre2014 - 20152010 - 2015
Total10 159334-4-6
Saw logs4 047436-4-3
Pulpwood3 101203-6-19
Unsorted saw logs403320-3-9
Saw logs1 403450-3-2
Unsorted saw logs55253-16-23
Saw logs138235-2
Unsorted saw logs........

The quantity of timber cut for sale in 2015 is the highest since the end of the 1980s. Forest owners obtained an average price of NOK 334 per cubic metre of roundwood sold in 2015, compared with NOK 349 in 2014.

The aggregated gross value of roundwood sold to the manufacturing industry in 2015 amounted to NOK 3.4 billion; a decrease of NOK 17.4 million.

The major part was spruce

In 2015, spruce made up three quarters of the total removals, while pine constituted one quarter. The volume of broad-leaved came to 2 per cent.

40 per cent exported

External trade figures show that 4 million cubic metres of timber were exported in 2015, which is 40 per cent of all timber cut for sale this year.