This is an archived release.
Half of land is agricultural and forest
More than three quarters of the Norwegian mainland belongs to an agricultural or forestry property. The average size of an agricultural or forestry property is 1 300 decares. Half of this land is covered by agriculture and forest.
Number | Per cent | |
1Including properties with at least 5 decares owned agricultural area and/or at least 25 decares productive forest area. | ||
Total | 186 735 | 100 |
Type of property | ||
Property with agricultural area | 165 265 | 89 |
Property with productive forest area | 133 120 | 71 |
Property with dwelling house | 151 333 | 81 |
Uninhabited property with dwelling house | 30 816 | 17 |
Type of owner | ||
Male | 126 647 | 68 |
Female | 47 994 | 26 |
Properties of persons deceased/legal person/unknown | 12 094 | 6 |

In addition, agricultural and forestry properties consist of wetland, bare rock, open firm ground, inland water, roads etc. What type of land they consist of varies between counties and property size. In the county of Vestfold, more than 90 per cent of land is agricultural land and forest, while Finnmark consists of less than 30 per cent of these types of land. On average, properties smaller than 1 000 decares consist of 80 per cent agricultural land and forest, while properties over 20 000 decares have less than 30 per cent made up of this type of land.
One in five uninhabited
A total of 187 000 agricultural and forestry properties are now registered; of which 151 000 have dwellings. In 2012, one in five agricultural and forestry properties with a dwelling were uninhabited.
One in five buildings built before 1900
A total of one million buildings are situated on an agricultural and forestry property, and almost half of them are agricultural buildings. In total, 219 000 of these buildings were built before 1900 and are registered in the national register of old and protected buildings, SEFRAK . Almost 60 per cent of the buildings in this register are situated on an agricultural property.
The share of female owners increased
In previous years, the share of female owners of agricultural and forestry properties has increased slowly. In 2012, 26 per cent of the properties had a female owner. 68 per cent of the properties were owned by a man, while 6 per cent had an impersonal or deceased owner.
On average, the female owners were almost 60 years old, while the male owners were 57 years old.
New data basis gives more agricultural and forestry propertiesOpen and readClose
As from 2011, the number of properties and areas of land is based on new cartographic data analyses and data on owners and properties from the cadastre in combination with data from the Farm register. In addition, the statistics are based on data from several administrative registers.
Additional information
Agricultural properties on grids (1km, 5km)
Trond Amund Steinset
tel.: (+47) 40 81 13 73