Good grain yields in 2008
Agriculture, forestry, hunting and fishing
korn, Cereals and oil seeds, area and yields, farming, grain, wheat, barley, oats, ryeAgriculture , Agriculture, forestry, hunting and fishing

Cereals and oil seeds, area and yields2008, preliminary figures



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Good grain yields in 2008

The total grain yield in 2008 is estimated at 1.35 million tonnes; an increase of 11 per cent from the year before. Wheat and rye yields were particularly good.

Yield, kilo per decare. 1995-2008*

Total production of wheat, barley and oats. 1995-2008*. 1 000 tonnes

According to preliminary estimates from The Norwegian Agricultural Purchasing and Marketing Co-operation, the total grain harvest consisted of 460 000 tonnes of wheat, 530 000 tonnes of barley and 310 000 tonnes of oats in 2008. Including all grain crops, average grain yield per decare was calculated to be 440 kg. Most grain is grown in the counties of Østfold, Akershus and Hedmark, accounting for 57 per cent of the total grain area and 61 per cent of the total grain harvest.

Increasing wheat area

The area of wheat increased by two per cent to 931 000 decares in 2008. The average decare yield of wheat for the country as a whole was calculated to be 494 kg in 2008. The largest yield per decare was achieved in Nord-Trøndelag, with 581 kg. However, wheat only covered two per cent of the grain area of this county.

The barley area was reduced by 125 000 decares to 1.28 million decares in 2008. The average decare yield of barley for the entire country was 413 kg, which is 50 kg more than the year before.

The area of oats sown increased by 44 800 decares to 769 300 decares in 2008. The decare yield of 403 kg is about 8 kg more than in 2007.

A total of 14 200 holdings grew grain in 2008. There have been small changes in the total grain area over the past ten years, and the average grain area per holding has increased from 142 to 220 decares. There are becoming less and less small grain farms, while the number of holdings with at least 400 decares of grain area is increasing.
