Reduced grain production in 2011
Agriculture, forestry, hunting and fishing
korn, Cereals and oil seeds, area and yields, farming, grain, wheat, barley, oats, ryeAgriculture , Agriculture, forestry, hunting and fishing

Cereals and oil seeds, area and yields2011, preliminary figures



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Reduced grain production in 2011

The total grain production in 2011 is estimated at 1.04 million tonnes; a decrease of 14 per cent from the year before. The grain harvest is the lowest since 1994. The prognosis indicates a decrease for all types of grain from 2010 to 2011.

Total production of wheat, barley and oats. 1994-2011*. 1 000 tonnes.

Yield, kg per decare. 1994-2011*

According to preliminary estimates from the Norwegian Agricultural Purchasing and Marketing Co-operation, the total grain harvest consisted of 265 000 tonnes of wheat, 460 000 tonnes of barley, 220 000 tonnes of oats and 16 000 tonnes of rye in 2011. Including all grain crops, average yield per decare was calculated at 349 kg compared with 400 kg the year before.

Increase in the area of barley and wheat

The area of wheat increased by 17 000 decares to a total of 740 000 decares in 2011. The area of barley sown increased by 13 500 decares to 1.48 million decares. The area of oats decreased by 47 500 decares to 713 000 decares in 2011.

The average decare yield of wheat for the country as a whole was calculated to be 359 kg in 2011.The average decare yields of barley and oats were 312 kg and 308 kg respectively.

A total of 12 900 holdings grew grain in 2011. From 2001 to 2011, the average grain area per holding increased from 159 to 230 decares.
