Oppland: Less use of fertiliser in Oppland
Agriculture, forestry, hunting and fishing
jt1999, Census of agriculture (discontinued), farmers, farming, holdings, size of farm, outbuildings, farmlands, agricultural machinery, livestock, horticulture, greenhouse, allodial law, agricultural education, supplementary industriesCensuses of agriculture , Agriculture, forestry, hunting and fishing

Census of agriculture (discontinued)1999

The statistics has been discontinued, see the Census from 2010: Census of agriculture



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Oppland: Less use of fertiliser in Oppland

The final figures from the 1999 Census of Agriculture show changes in the use of artificial fertiliser. Many farmers use less amounts of phosphorous, and many use a medium amount of nitrogen.

The farmers in Oppland supply the cultivated meadow area much less artificial fertilisers than in 1989. Then 44 per cent of the farmers supplied 2.5 kg phosphorous or more per decare. In 1999 this part decreased to 13 per cent. For nitrogen the change was less. The use of fertiliser plans and more use of manure may have led to the changes.

Not much old meadow

In Oppland in 1999 there were about half a million decares cultivated meadow. 44 per cent of the area was between 2 and 4 years old. Only about 13 per cent of the meadow were registered as 10 years or older. There are great differences between the regions in Norway. The preliminary figures from the census, showed that in Western Norway about 40 per cent of the meadow area were 10 years or more. The figures for the whole country were 20 per cent. It is easier to cultivate meadow in parts of Eastern Norway than in the Western parts, and a year with winter damages to the meadow, may make it necessary to renew the area.

8 700 full-time equivalents

In all, labour input corresponding to 8 700 full-time equivalents was employed on the holdings in Oppland. On 2 100 holdings the total labour input was less than half a full-time equivalent each, while about 3 800 holdings (54 per cent) had labour inputs of one full-time equivalent or more. Of the 12 300 holders (including spouses and cohabitants) 4 100 worked at least 1 500 hours on their holding. The corresponding figure for 1989 was 5 600.

Labour input in the supplementary industries comes in addition to the 8 700 full-time equivalents. Supplementary industries are activities that utilize a holdings land, buildings or machinery. These industries added up to about 450 full-time equivalents. Machinery-related services are the largest.

Fewer holdings and increased land rental

The number of holdings with agricultural land in use has fallen from 9 400 in 1989 to 7 100 in 1999, a reduction of 25 per cent. The agricultural land in use shows a minor increase, which can be explained by changes in rules for the governmental subsidies or the way the area is registered. Rented land has increased from 206 000 decares in 1989 to almost 300 000 decares in 1999. In 1999 rented area represented 29 per cent of total land in use, and that is an increased from about 20 per cent in 1989

Other results

In its survey of the various conditions in the agricultural industry the Census of Agriculture ranges widely. It is not possible to comment on all results here. For more information, please see the appendix and municipality data. Contact Statistics Norway for more information or to have the data arranged differently.
