Tax increase of NOK 31 billion
Income and consumption;Establishments, enterprises and accounts
skattlign, Tax assessments (discontinued), corporation tax, personal tax, tax deduction (for example housebuying savings, Finnmark deduction, allowance), tax types (for example income tax, capital tax, municipal tax)Corporate tax , Personal tax, Income and consumption, Establishments, enterprises and accounts

Tax assessments (discontinued)1999



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Tax increase of NOK 31 billion

A survey of tax assessment shows that NOK 253 billion in taxes has been assessed for the 1999 income year. This was 31 billion more than the year before. The increase in assessed taxes comprised NOK 11 billion from personal and NOK 20 billion from non-personal taxpayers.

Total taxes assessed amounted to NOK 195.3 billion for personal taxpayers and NOK 58 billion (corrected 19 April 2001 at 13:20 p.m.) for non-personal taxpayers. The sharp increase in assessed taxes for non-personal taxpayers largely comes from activities on the Norwegian continental shelf. There the increase was NOK 14.6 billion, whereas it was NOK 5.8 billion for land-based activities.

Personal taxpayers are persons with income/wealth taxable to one or more municipalities. The group also comprises Norwegians and foreigners who are domiciled abroad and who are assessed on real estate in Norway.

Non-personal taxpayers are companies that have assessed tax on income/wealth. The owners/shareholders in a company, or, if applicable, institution, association or the like, must have a limited liability for the companys debts for these organizations to be considered non-personal taxpayers.

Increased income tax to municipalities and counties

A survey of the individual taxes shows that income tax to municipalities and counties totalled NOK 83.8 billion for personal and non-personal taxpayers together. This was an increase of NOK 9.5 billion. For non-personal taxpayers the income tax to municipalities and counties includes only the taxes on natural resources for electric power producers, which totalled NOK 1.5 billion.

The community tax totalled NOK 77.4 billion for both taxpayer groups together. Income tax to the central government totalled NOK 37.5 billion, an increase of NOK 15 billion. For personal taxpayers the income tax to the central government is mainly surtax on gross income, whereas for non-personal taxpayers it is mainly petroleum tax. Assessed petroleum tax on companies engaged in oil and gas extraction was NOK 24.7 billion, an increase of NOK 14.6 billion from 1998.

In 1999 a total of NOK 48.3 billion was assessed in membership contributions to the National Insurance.

Total assessed property taxes to municipalities and the central government amounted to a substantial NOK 6 billion, an increase of over half a billion from the year before.

830 million more in tax deductions

In 1999 taxpayers received more than NOK 17.7 billion in tax deductions. This was an increase of NOK 0.8 billion since 1998. Personal taxpayers alone received almost NOK 12 billion, whereas non-personal taxpayers received NOK 5.8 billion in deductions. For personal taxpayers, tax deduction for received dividends, tax reductions for taxpayers with little ability to pay tax, parents tax deduction totalled NOK 10.4 billion. The Finnmark deduction totalled NOK 557 million. Taxpayers utilizing the AMS (tax deductions for investments in unit trusts) and BSU (Home Savings for Young People) schemes had their taxes reduced by NOK 775 million.

For non-personal taxpayers, tax deduction for received dividends totalled NOK 4.9 billion and deductions for taxes on natural resources totalled NOK 854 million.