Income and consumption;Immigration and immigrants
Norwegian households generally had a weak growth in income from 2014 to 2015. While some households experienced a rise in household income, others experienced a decline in income. Even in the two previous years households experienced a slow income growth.

Income and wealth statistics for households2015


Percentage share of total estimated net wealth, average net wealth and lowest value in decile for households, by deciles1
Share of total net wealth (per cent)Average estimated net wealth (NOK)Lowest value in decile (NOK)
1Students not included
Total100.02 351 500..
Decile 1-4.2-980 500..
Decile 2-0.3-69 100-215 000
Decile 30.368 2002 600
Decile 41.9435 800195 800
Decile 54.2976 100697 900
Decile 66.61 559 9001 258 800
Decile 79.52 224 4001 874 100
Decile 813.03 056 3002 601 400
Decile 918.54 349 0003 575 900
Decile 1050.611 895 3005 368 700
Top 5 per cent37.217 501 1007 543 400
Top 1 per cent19.846 604 20016 381 900
Top 0,1 per cent9.4221 338 80068 418 600