Income and consumption;Immigration and immigrants
Elderly households had an income rise of 21 per cent from 2009 to 2014. Couples with young children saw their household income rise 8 per cent in the same period.

Income and wealth statistics for households2014


Percentage share of total estimated net wealth, average net wealth and lowest value in decile for households, by deciles1
Share of total net wealth (per cent)Average estimated net wealth (NOK)Lowest value in decile (NOK)
1Students not included
Total100.02 136 100:
Decile 1-4.8-1 026 600:
Decile 2-0.3-73 400-220 600
Decile 30.355 3001 300
Decile 41.8381 500163 200
Decile 54.2888 300626 000
Decile 66.71 441 8001 155 700
Decile 79.72 070 1001 739 300
Decile 813.32 848 1002 422 300
Decile 919.04 048 9003 333 200
Decile 1050.210 727 5004 990 000
Top 5 per cent36.615 623 1006 970 700
Top 1 per cent19.040 619 50014 844 700
Top 0,1 per cent8.8188 168 80060 257 900