Health;Public sector
pleie, Care services, elderly care, nursing homes, disabled, home nursing care, home help, home help services, IPLOS, retirement homes, institutions, care homes, nursing staff, discharge, support person, care benefit, UCPA (user controlled personal assistance)KOSTRA , Health services , Public sector, Health

Care services2016



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Nursing and care services
Percentage change
20162015 - 20162012 - 2016
1Other home-based services: acitivity and facility services included, homehelp and home nursing excluded.
2Home-based services: Home-nursing and home-help. Activity and facility services not included
3Both long-term and short-term beds in nursing homes and homes for the elderly. Dwellings for the elderly not included.
4Due to transition to the new data source (A-ordninga), will not change figures for man-years 5 years back be shown.
5Government grants for municipal co-financing of general hospitals function 255 was closed from 2015.
Care servicesUsers
Total278 0171.02.4
Home help only35 954-4.5-14.7
Home nursing only87 1995.818.9
Both home help and home nursing62 352-0.1-1.4
Residents in institutions, short term stay9 5502.7-3.6
Residents in institutions, long term stay33 094-1.4-2.7
Other home-based services149 8680.02.0
Percentage of inhabitants age 80 years and over that are home service users232.5-1.8-5.3
Nursing and care institutions3Beds
Total40 472-0.6-3.0
Percentage of private beds11.4-3.219.1
Percentage of user adapted single rooms including bathroom/WC in institutions82.20.96.1
Weekly physician hours per resident in nursing homes0.553.827.9
Care staff4Årsverk
Total137 9501.9..
Percentage of man-years within user directed services with health/social education741.4..
Percentage of man-years within user directed services with health/social education9.20.0..
Expenditure in municipal care services5NOK 1 000
Care services, in NOK 1 000107 432 1045.619