Energy and manufacturing;Wholesale and retail trade and service activities

Sales of petroleum products and liquid biofuelsJune 2018, preliminary figures


About the statistics


Name and topic

Name: Sales of petroleum products and liquid biofuels
Topic: Energy and manufacturing

Next release

Responsible division

Division for Energy, Environmental and Transport Statistics

Definitions of the main concepts and variables

The number of litres sold is registered in the country of delivery. The purchaser’s main area of business (measured by turnover) determines which purchaser group (industry) the sale is registered in. The statistics include deliveries in Norway (incl. Svalbard, Bjørnøya and Jan Mayen) and on the Norwegian continental shelf. Deliveries to Norwegian ships and airplanes abroad are not included. Ordinary export is not registered even if the delivery is free on board (FOB) in a Norwegian harbour.

Standard classifications

Deliveries of petroleum products are originally distributed by code for purchaser group. The codes are based on the Standard Industrial Classification (SN2007).

Administrative information

Regional level

County and national level

Frequency and timeliness

Monthly publishing of delivery figures and prices on some selected petroleum products two weeks after the end of the reference month

International reporting

Monthly report to the International Eurostat and Energy Agency (IEA).


The data are stored in Excel files and DAT files.


Background and purpose

The purpose of the statistics is to show deliveries of petroleum products by purchaser group, county and at national level, measured as delivered litres. Furthermore, the statistics compare the delivery figures of the different oil companies (user-financed assignment). In addition prices on some selected petroleum products are published from February 2010.

Until 1973, the Ministry of Trade collected figures on deliveries of petroleum products from the oil companies. The figures were distributed by county and some purchaser/consumer groups, and were presented in statistical tables once a year. As of 1973, monthly tables were produced in Statistics Norway. This was a result of cooperation between Statistics Norway, the Ministry of Trade, the Norwegian Petroleum Institute and the oil companies. Based on experience and changing conditions, the production and content of the statistics have changed several times since 1973.

Users and applications

The figures are used by oil companies and the Norwegian Petroleum Institute. In addition, the figures form part of the data used in the production of energy balances in Statistics Norway.

Equal treatment of users

Not relevant

Coherence with other statistics

The statistics on deliveries of petroleum products form part of the data basis in the energy accounts and energy balance.

Legal authority

The Statistics Act of 21 June 2019 no. 32

EEA reference

Regulation NO 1099/2008



The statistics include all the sales of petroleum products to buyers in Norway, based on the succeeding data sources:

The population consists of large international companies that sell petroleum products in Norway and local oil companies with sales exceeding a certain amount. The latter submit a less detailed report.

In addition, direct imports by other dealers and any consumers are collected in the statistics on external trade.

Data sources and sampling

Companies who submit a complete data set submit the data electronically on files. Other companies submit their data in a form. In addition, import and export data from the statistics on external trade are used.

From January 2017, the prices are based on average retail prices. 

The sample consists of large oil companies that submit complete reports and some smaller companies that submit a less detailed report (jet fuel, bitumen and lubricant oils). In addition, the sample includes direct imports by a number of small companies.

Collection of data, editing and estimations

The companies send their data electronically or via forms. The deadline is the 6th workday of every month.

Total sales for each company are compared with additional information from the company. In addition, the companies check that the complete statistics correspond with their figures. The companies receive tables containing their sales figures, total sales and market shares.

The statistics are estimated by counting the number of litres sold of each petroleum product from each company, distributed by purchaser group and county.

From January 2017 the prices were based on average retail prices.

Seasonal adjustment

Not relevant


The sales figures of individual companies are confidential.

Comparability over time and space

Figures are available back to 1952.

Until December 2016, the prices on petroleum products were collected form the consumer price index. From January 2017, the prices are based on average retail prices.

Accuracy and reliability

Sources of error and uncertainty

The fact that there are relatively few respondents limits the possibilities for collection and processing errors.

If a company does not meet the delivery deadline, figures for the corresponding month last year are used. These are corrected as soon as the new figures are delivered.

Full count


Not relevant