Energy and manufacturing;Wholesale and retail trade and service activities

Sales of petroleum products and liquid biofuels2013, final figures


Sales of petroleum products by industry, 1000 litres1
Motor gasolineeumAuto diesel, free of dutyMarine gas oil and dieselLight heating oilsHeating and lighting keroseneJet keroseneHeavy distillate and heavy fuel oilLubricant oilsOther petroleum products2
1: means missing figures. Read more under Explanation of symbols
2Other products: LPG, NGL, aviation gasoline and bitumen
Corrected 8 April 2014.
Total1 307 2552 796 794920 6221 745 412342 30555 6551 112 561397 03470 951651 469
Agriculture and forestry:1 69141 270:1 94119000222:
Fishing and aquaculture1 90413 34831 506249 2557 1141 016058 93817 9060
Mining:3 96663 3391 9171 395700925:
Extraction of oil and natural gas, including service activities::1 110862 87446 87214 147::2 942:
Manufacture1 94610 65342 82824 89664 557361:27 18610 075345 062
Electricity, gas, steam and air conditioning supply235571 690:10 262:0:33544
Water supply, sewerage, waste:3 4938 8371 266575:00770
Construction1 03126 325134 4024613 165182:03 590269 753
Wholesale and retail trade, repair of motor vehicles20 34340 33928 8939 61413 3391 467::25 764891
Retail sale of automotive fuel in specialised stores1 236 6072 307 475106 6181695 0401 82300681:
Railway transport0019 11100000410
Other land transport including postal and courier activities3 562187 24631 777010 5791 232002 7261 836
Inland water transport::3 029259 186964:080 2855490
Foreign water transport0042223 290:00187 8742650
Air transport0:5870:0972 396081677
Warehousing and support activities for transportation3905 43312 25730 78962775346:64:
Accomommodation and food service activities56446715 2299731 7551110042709
Other service industries6 67011 19641 77548 47024 6382 904:12 1893 6667 217
Offentlig administrasjon, unntatt forsvar4804 4654 0397 65813 63124:01380
Defence activities2501181 89623 5586 9071720 3620521
Education, health and social work3 5965 1781 0359337 8068::37:
Private consumers29 637161 679329 3513120 78931 9650077413 527