Energy and manufacturing

Extraction and related services2019, preliminary figures


Annual statistics oil and gas activity
20182019120191Change in per cent
NOK million/numberNOK million/numberShare2018 - 2019
1Preliminary figures.
Total value of production786 356640 872100-18.5
Extraction of oil and natural gas, incl. transport via pipelines684 282518 48580.9-24.2
Support activities for petroleum and natural gas extraction102 074122 38719.119.9
Intermediate consumption, total123 567135 0371009.3
Extraction of oil and natural gas, incl. transport via pipelines50 03151 09137.82.1
Support activities for petroleum and natural gas extraction73 53683 94662.214.2
Value added, total662 789505 836100-23.7
Extraction of oil and natural gas, incl. transport via pipelines634 251467 39592.4-26.3
Support activities for petroleum and natural gas extraction28 53838 4417.634.7
Total employees53 93656 9751005.6
Extraction of oil and natural gas, incl. transport via pipelines23 81423 82141.80.0
Support activities for petroleum and natural gas extraction30 12233 15458.210.1