Energy and manufacturing
The energy balance shows total supply and consumption of different energy products, by industry or user group. In 2014, the energy consumption, excluding energy used in energy industries and as raw materials, rose by 3 per cent from the previous year.

Energy account and energy balance2014, preliminary figures

The statistics Energy account and energy balance will be published as two separate statistics (Energy account and Energy balance) as from October 2015.


Energy commodity balance for Norway. Preliminary figures
Coal (1 000 tonnes)Coke (1 000 tonnes)Petroleum coke (1 000 tonnes)Biofuels and waste (1 000 tonnes of oil equivalentes)Crude oil (1 000 tonnes)Gasoline (1 000 tonnes)Kerosene (1 000 tonnes)Middle distillates (1 000 tonnes)Heavy fuel oil (1 000 tonnes)1LPG/NGL (1 000 tonnes)Natural gas/LNG (mill. Sm³)Other gas (1 000 tonnes oil equivalentes)2Electricity (GWh)District heating (GWh)3
1Including waste oil, paint and varnish.
2Including blast furnace gas, methane, refinery gas and fuel gas.
3Figures for consumption of district heating refer to the previous year.
4The Norwegian Petroleum Directorate is the source for export of crude oil 2014.
5Deliveries in Norwegian harbours to ships in foreign trade irrespective of the ship’s nationality.
6Households, private and public services, construction, agriculture, fishing and defence.
7A high share of the coal and coke is used for non-energy purposes / reductants, but this is considered as energy consumption because these industry processes generates heat/gases that might be utilised for energy purposes.
1 Total production1 67501911 29973 9499 0677447 0301 8088 001112 7961 071142 3276 214
1.1 Primary energy production1 675001 29973 9494 0400007 574112 796000
1.2 Secondary energy production00191005 0277447 0301 80842701 071142 3276 214
2 Imports7614554051421 1653955371 0931 173225006 3470
3 Exports41 6080701762 2036 8361282 8341 6636 839106 793021 9320
4 International bunkers00000048821115200000
4.1 International marine bunkers5000000021115200000
4.2 International aviation bunkers0000004880000000
5 Changes in stocks (+ = net decrease,- = net increase)-252-13079914757-814330000
6 Gross domestic supply (1+2-3-4+5)8034565121 42413 7112 7737225 0711 1811 4206 4351 071126 7426 214
8 Energy converted69100047212 6561 1011286738352584661151 0009
9 Energy industries own use0000000249134 5075698 69011
10 Losses in transport and distribution00000000008418 6871 299
11 Statistical differences (6-8-9-10-12)-171192801 0547631302319678-113000
12 Final consumption including non-energy use75123848495309094654 1261491 0811 135346108 3654 894
12.1 Final energy consumption, excl. non-energy use6712383195309094654 126149172521346108 3654 894
13 Manufacturing, mining and quarrying6712383032800020910513533333742 512547
14 Transport00012408843993 09513214226990
15 Other sectors600150102566821323545765 1544 347
16 Non energy use7800453000000909614000
16.1 In manufacture of industrial chemicals0022000000908614000
16.2 In other industry80043100000010000
Memo1: Natural gas flared off on oil fields and terminals0000000000432000