Energy and manufacturing

Energy use by municipality (discontinued)2008-2009

Statistics on energy use by municipality has been discontinued.


About the statistics


Name and topic

Name: Energy use by municipality (discontinued)
Topic: Energy and manufacturing

Responsible division

Division for Energy and Environmental Statistics

Definitions of the main concepts and variables

Energy use
Energy for non-energy purposes is not included in this statistics. Own produced energy is included.

Stationary and mobile energy use
Stationary energy use: Includes use of energy commodities in different stationary activities, for example heating.

Mobile energy use: Includes energy use in transport activities and mobile equipment, such as road traffic, railway, boat and air traffic below 100 meters up in the air. Also equipment such as lawn movers is included.

Energy units
To make it possible to summarize the different energy commodities the quantities are converted to a common unit, GWh (GigaWatthours) and TJ (TerraJoule). This is done based on average energy content in the different energy commodities.

TJ (TerraJoule) = 3.6 * GWh.

A 40 Watt light use 40 wattour electricity in one hour

1 TWh = 1 000 GWh = 1 000 000 MWh = 1 000 000 000 kWh.

Energy sources
The use of energy in the municipalities is divided between the energy sources:

  • Electricity : Priority and non-priority electricity.
  • Coal, coal coke, petrol coke : Coal coke, petrol coke, anthracite, hard coal and brown coal (lignite).
  • Wood, wood waste, waste liquor : Wood, pellets, briquettes, wood waste, sawdust, chips, bark and waste liquor.
  • Gas : Natural gas, LPG (propane and butane), NGL (propane, butane and ethane), refinery gas, fuel gas (excess gas from chemical manufacturing), landfill gas/methane and CO-gas.
  • Petrol, kerosine : Naphtha, motor petrol, S.B.P. spirits, aviation petrol, aviation turbine kerosine and heating kerosine.
  • Diesel-, gas- og light heating oil, special distillates : Auto diesel, marine gas oils, light heating oil (heating oil no. 1 and 2) and heavy distillates
  • Heavy oil, waste oil : Heavy heating oils, waste oil, paint and varnish etc.
  • Waste : Various wastes.

Consumer groups
Stationary use of energy is divided between these consumer groups:

  • Primary industries
  • Manufacturing industries and mining etc. (including energy sectors on shore)
  • Services
  • Households
  • -Dwellings (only figures for electricity)
  • -Cabins and holiday houses (only figures for electricity)

Mobile energy use is divided between these consumer groups:

  • Road traffic
  • Air traffic (below 100 meters)
  • Ship (inclusive 1/2 nautical mile from the harbors)
  • Other mobile energy use (railway, small boats, snow scooter and motor equipments)

Standard classifications

Standard Industrial Classification.

Administrative information

Regional level


Frequency and timeliness

Yearly. Published a little more than a year after the reference period. For the last year the figures are preliminary.

International reporting

Regional energy statistics reported to Eurostat, as a part of REQ - Regional Environmental Questionnaire.


Oracle and Excel.


Background and purpose

From the reference year 2005 energy statistics by municipality has been published as official statistics with all the energy commodities included. The statistics is financed by the ordinary budged. The statistics has earlier been published in the publication SSBmagasinet, with figures for the reference years 1991, 1995, 2000, 2004 and 2005.

Users and applications

Internally the statistics is used in the statistics for the emission of climate gases. Externally the statistics is used in local energy reports in the municipalities. Norwegian Water and Energy Directorate is also an important user of the statistics.

Coherence with other statistics

The figures presented in the municipality statistics differs a little from figures in other statistics, like the energy balances and the electricity statistics. There are several reasons for this. Energy use outside one half nautical mile from the harbors and more than 100 meters up in the air are not included. Also, the use of electricity in the manufacturing industries has different sources in the two statistics energy in the manufacturing industries and electricity statistics. The first one use data from the demand side while the second use data from the supply side. The statistics for energy by municipality use data from statistics energy in the manufacturing industries.

In the statistics for energy by municipality energy use in the energy sectors is included, while this is not included in the figures for net end use of energy in the energy balance.

For energy bearers causing climate gas emissions, the data from this statistics is used in the emissions to air statistics.

Legal authority

Not relevant.

EEA reference

Not relevant.



The population includes all the users of energy on shore in Norway, inclusive use of energy in the energy sectors but exclusive use of energy products for non-energy purposes.

Use of energy outside one half nautical mile outside the harbors and more than 100 meters up in the air is not included. One exception from this is use of electricity offshore connected with cables from the mainland.

Use of energy in the energy sectors includes district heating plants, power plants, CHP, oil refineries and installations for reception of oil and gas. Use of energy in the energy sectors is included in "Industry and mining etc.".

Data sources and sampling

The yearly statistics for the industrial energy use is used as a source for energy use in the manufacturing and mining industries. The population is all active companies within manufacturing and mining. Data from a sample of companies is collected. For the other companies estimations are made. The population consists of about 22 000 companies.

The yearly electricity statistics, with data from all the grid companies in Norway, is used as a data source for the use of electricity other than in the manufacturing industries.

Sales statistics of petroleum products and statistics for use of wood are also used to estimate figures for use of these energy commodities for consumers other than the manufacturing industries.

For natural gas the statistics for domestic use of natural gas is used, and the data is delivered by municipality.

See 3.2.

Collection of data, editing and estimations

Controls of max/min-values for each of the energy commodities and controls of max/min-values of energy use per capita. Large changes from one year to the next are also controlled.

Municipal figures for oil products and bio fuels (except wood) are partly estimated based on national figures in the Energy accounts. Some of the figures are therefore relatively uncertain. The quality of these estimations vary from municipality to municipality and between consumer groups.

For companies outside the sample in the statistics for the manufacturing industries, figures are estimated based on account statistics and yearly structural statistics. Use of electricity outside the manufacturing industries is based on totals from all the electricity companies in Norway who report these figures by municipality. All the domestic use of natural gas is reported by municipality, and no estimations are necessary.


For some of the municipalities large companies contributes to a large part of the energy use. Still, the figures are not seen to make any harm for the companies as long only quantities are published and no values leading to price information.

Comparability over time and space

Statistic Norway (SSB) has calculated use of fossil fuels, garbage and bio energy used for stationary and mobile use in Norwegian municipalities in 1991, 1995, 2000, 2004 and 2005. For the reference year 2004 relatively aggregate electricity figures was included for the first time. From the reference year 2005 it is published more detailed statistics covering all the energy bearers in common tables.

Accuracy and reliability

Sources of error and uncertainty

Uncertainty and errors in the statistics vary depending on different data sources and calculations. Total use of energy in the municipality and figures for use of electricity has more certain figures than the other figures. In all the municipalities it is necessary to realize the uncertainty in the figures and that the figures not always are able to register local actions to reduce the use of energy.

Uncertainty and errors for each of the energy goods:

Electricity The data source is the yearly electricity statistics collecting data from all the electricity companies. The data is reported by municipality and consumer groups and has relatively good quality, but errors can occur.

Wood, wood waste, waste liquor: The information about use of wood is based on a quarterly statistics with a survey from a sample of the population. The figures by municipality are calculated and are relatively uncertain.

Petrol, kerosene: The source is the monthly statistics for sales of petroleum products. The figures are reported by county and measurements are made to split it by municipality based on information from the road data bank («Vegdatabanken»). For small municipalities with a large share of the traffic on small local roads the calculations are very uncertain.

Diesel, gas and light heating oil, special distillates: As for petrol but figures from Population and Housing Census in 2001 are also used to divide between municipalities.

Heavy oil, waste oil: The sources are the monthly statistics for sales of petroleum products and energy use in the manufacturing industries.

Garbage: This is garbage used to produce district heating. The quality of the data is relatively good.

Uncertainties for each of the stationary consumer groups:

Primary industries: National figures are collected directly from consumer or from different statistics in Statistics Norway. The quality of the different figures vary.

Manufacturing industries and mining The data is based on the yearly statistics for energy use in the manufacturing industries. This is a survey with a sample covering more than 90 per cent of the energy use in the population. The energy use not covered by the sample is estimated. The quality of the figures is good but for some of the municipalities it is uncertainties when companies one year is included in the survey and the next year is calculated.

Services For energy commodities other than electricity and natural gases calculations are made, and these figures are relatively uncertain. Use of paraffin, heating oil and heavy distillate is calculated based on the statistics for sales of petroleum products together with figures for employment.

Households For electricity and natural gas the figures are relatively good, but for the other energy commodities the figures are relatively uncertain and based on calculations. For electricity the quality is good enough also to publish figures for the sub groups dwellings and cabins and holiday houses.

See chapter 5.1.

See chapter 5.1.

See chapter 5.1.