Energy and manufacturing
The annual electricity statistics give an overview of economic key figures in the power market and follow the development in supply and use of electricity.

Electricity, annual figures2013

As from December 2015 the statistics is published with Electricity.


Income statment for enterprises in electricity supply, by ownership group. NOK million
20122013...Joint municipal...County municipal...MunicipalCentral governmentPrivate
Operating income, total110 137121 75764 4694 5258 62229 29614 844
Sales of energy79 08286 21644 5433 4265 32821 75111 168
Sales of transmission23 72528 47716 5659562 7696 2671 920
Other operating income7 3307 0643 3611445251 2791 755
Operating expenses, total83 60692 48951 2313 1505 81818 50313 786
Purchase of energy41 27747 78927 7381 4271 9546 7179 952
Purchase of grid services8 4158 2814 4951828452 130628
Other purchases of goods1 1401 30678910693184134
Compensation of employees8 0007 9613 9673218882 088697
Depreciation8 0228 5114 2853837302 574538
Other operating expenses16 75118 6419 9577311 3084 8101 836
Operating profit26 53129 26813 2381 3752 80410 7931 058
Financial income, total2 7094 4961 291472921 991874
Dividends on shares/partnerships5527277701750475
Interest recieved9549293691766310167
Other financial income1 2032 84084630511 681232
Financial expenses total4 7456 1242 5092802362 502596
Interest paid3 0392 8481 1652561561 061210
Other financial expenses1 7073 2761 34425801 441386
Financial items, net-2 036-1 628-1 218-23356-511278
Profit on ordinary items before taxes24 49527 64012 0201 1422 86010 2821 336
Taxes10 13013 4405 5225861 2545 461616
Profit before extraordinary items14 36514 2006 4985561 6064 820719
Extraordinary income, total..94......94..
Extraordinary depreciation000......1
Other extraordinary expenses13............
Profit extraordinary items-13940....94-1
Taxes on extraordinary items1 19518897534268
Annual profit13 15714 1056 4015031 6024 888710
Dividends3 1381 5831 107..29773106