Less new holiday houses
Construction, housing and property;Svalbard
byggeareal, Building statistics, building activity, buildings completed, buildings started, types of buildings (for example detached houses, holiday homes, commercial buildings), available area, dwellings, flats, houses, house building, cabinsConstruction, housing and property, Construction , Construction, housing and property, Svalbard

Building statisticsQ1 2002



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Less new holiday houses

As a part of the decrease in building starts, holiday houses are also experiencing a decrease. During the 1s t quarter this year 87 000 m2 were started for holiday houses, down from 98 000 m2 .in 2000.

The only residential building type that is not part of the decrease is Residence for communities. This building type has 527 dwelling starts this quarter, 162 more than the 1st quarter last year. There are

1 956 dwelling starts in detached houses this year, 19 less than last year.

Less new schools and culture buildings

Of the non-residential types of building, the one with the highest decrease is "Building used for education, public entertainment and religious activities", which had 103 000 m2 utility floor space started during the 1s t quarter of this year. During the 1s t quarter last year 170 000 m2 was started for this type of building.

More industrial buildings and warehouses

Not all building types had a decrease. In industrial buildings and warehouses there was an increase from 196 000 m2 of utility floor space started 1s t quarter last year to 279 000 m2 started this year.
