Increased activity in building and construction works
Construction, housing and property
bygganlprod, Production index for construction, new buildings, renovation, building sitesConstruction , Construction, housing and property
In building and construction, the activity rose by 2.6 per cent from the 4th quarter of 2015 to the 1st quarter of 2016 when adjusted for seasonality.

Production index for constructionQ1 2016



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Increased activity in building and construction works

The activity in the building and construction industry increased by 2.6 per cent during the first quarter of the year, according to seasonally-adjusted figures.

Construction, production index. 2010=100
Seasonally adjusted, per centWorking day adjusted, per centIndex
4th quarter 2015 - 1st quarter 20161st quarter 2015 - 1st quarter 20161st quarter 2016
Buildings, total2.34.6117.7
Civil engineering works3.08.7156.2
Figure 1. Production index. Construction. Seasonally adjusted

The strongest production increase was in the construction industry, by 3.0 per cent, while the building activity increased by 2.3 per cent in the first quarter of 2016.

Since the 1st quarter of 2015, the production index for the building and construction industry has increased by 5.7 per cent. This figure is adjusted for working days. The production in the construction industry contributed most to the increase, with 8.7 per cent. The corresponding increase for the construction activity was 4.6 per cent.