This is an archived release.
Poles are the largest immigrant group
At the beginning of 2014, there were 633 100 immigrants and 126 100 Norwegian-born to immigrant parents in Norway. These two groups have a background from 221 different countries and independent regions. Immigrants from Poland make up the largest immigrant group in Norway.
2014 | ||||
Immigrants and Norwegian-born to immigrant parents, total | Immigrants | Norwegian-born to immigrant parents | Immigrants and Norwegian-born to immigrant parents in per cent of total population | |
1The definition is corrected 18 December 2014. | ||||
Total | 759 185 | 633 110 | 126 075 | 14.9 |
The EU/EEA, USA, Canada, Australia and New Zealand | 331 590 | 307 188 | 24 402 | 6.5 |
Asia, Africa, Latin America, Oceania except Australia and New Zealand, and Europe except the EU/EEA | 427 595 | 325 922 | 101 673 | 8.4 |
Nordic countries except Norway | 75 315 | 70 282 | 5 033 | 1.5 |
Western Europe except Nordic countries | 72 309 | 67 098 | 5 211 | 1.4 |
EU-countries in Eastern Europe | 171 406 | 157 728 | 13 678 | 3.4 |
Non-EU countries in Eastern Europe1 | 65 160 | 52 071 | 13 089 | 1.3 |
Africa | 97 152 | 74 283 | 22 869 | 1.9 |
Asia including Turkey | 242 699 | 179 785 | 62 914 | 4.8 |
North America | 10 438 | 10 018 | 420 | 0.2 |
South and Central America | 22 656 | 19 853 | 2 803 | 0.4 |
Oceania | 2 050 | 1 992 | 58 | 0.0 |

The number of immigrants and Norwegian-born to immigrant parents grew by 48 700 in 2013, which is the lowest percentage growth since 2006. Immigrants accounted for 12 per cent of the total population in Norway as per 1 January 2014, while Norwegian-born to immigrant parents accounted for 2 per cent.
Most Polish immigrants
The growth in the Polish immigrant group during 2013 was 7 300. With a total of 84 000 persons, immigrants from Poland made up the largest immigrant group. The second largest immigrant group consisted of persons with a Swedish background (36 400). The third largest group of immigrants in Norway were Lithuanians (33 000).
Norwegian-born with Pakistani parents the largest group
In 2013, the number of Norwegian-born to immigrants parents increased by 9 000, from 117 100 to 126 100. Those with Pakistani parents made up the largest group of all Norwegian-born to immigrant parents, with 15 600. Norwegian-born to Somali parents were the second largest group (9 800) followed by those with parents from Iraq (8 200).
Immigrants in all municipalities
Immigrants were resident in all Norwegian municipalities. Oslo had the largest population of immigrants and Norwegian-born to immigrant parents, both in relative terms and absolute figures. Of Oslo’s 634 500 inhabitants, 151 700 were immigrants and 45 900 were Norwegian-born to immigrant parents as of 1 January 2014. These two figures combined constitute 31 per cent of the capital’s entire population. The proportions in Drammen (26 per cent) and Lørenskog (24 per cent) were also high.
All suburbs in Oslo were above the national average of 15 per cent. The suburbs with the highest proportions of immigrants and Norwegian-born to immigrant parents were Stovner, Søndre Nordstrand and Alna, with around 50 per cent.
Additional information
Oppdrag innvandring
Alice Steinkellner
tel.: (+47) 90 72 90 51
Statistics Norway's Information Centre
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