100 000 with refugee background
Population;Population;Immigration and immigrants
flyktninger, Persons with refugee background, refugees, principal applicants, resettlement refugees, quota refugees, asylum cases, asylum seekers, family reunification, marriage establishment, country backgroundImmigrants , Population, Population count, Population, Immigration and immigrants

Persons with refugee background1 January 2004



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100 000 with refugee background

At the beginning of January 2004, Norway's refugee population counted almost 100 000 people. During 2003 the number of people with refugee background increased by 5 800.

Principal applicants. 1 January 2004

Almost 75 per cent of the refugee population were registered as principal applicants while 25 per cent came to Norway as dependants. Close to 65 per cent of the principal applicants were registered as asylum seekers and 25 per cent as transfer refugees.

Refugees from Iraq and Bosnia-Herzegovina made up the two largest groups of foreign nationals with 14 000 and 12 600 each. With an increase of 1 100 in 2003, the Somali refugee population had the strongest growth.

Around 75 per cent of the refugee population came from third world countries, while the rest came from Eastern Europe.

Refugees1, by country background. 1 January 2003
and 2004
Country 1 January 2003 1 January 2004        Increase
Total 93 613 99 427 5 814
Iraq 13 142 14 035  893
Bosnia-Herzegovina 12 520 12 572 52
Vietnam 10 306 10 312 6
Somalia 9 858 10 930 1 072
Iran 9 646 10 137  491
Serbia and Montenegro 6 676 6 837  161
Sri Lanka 5 122 5 183 61
Chile 4 591 4 608 17
Afghanistan 3 048 3 830  782
Turkey 1 830 1 851 21
Croatia 1 823 1 832 9
Ethiopia 1 482 1 630  148
Eritrea 1 178 1 201 23
Pakistan 1 041 1 078 37
Polen  930  935 5
Russia  663 1 340  677
Rest 9 757 11 116 1 359
1  The definition 'refugee' refers to persons resident in Norway, who
have come to Norway because of flight (family included). Children
born in Norway to refugees are not included.

Half have less than ten years' residence

At the beginning of 2004, 51 per cent of the refugees had lived in Norway for less than ten years. Only 6 per cent had lived in the country for more than 20 years.

Population total and refugees by age and sex. 1 January 2004. Per cent.

Few elderly refugees

The refugee population is younger than the Norwegian population: 24 per cent of the refugees were aged 20 or below compared with 26 per cent for the entire population. Only 5 per cent of the refugees belonged to the age group 60 years or older compared with 19 per cent for the entire population.

More men

There was an overweight of men among the refugees. The male surplus is particularly strong among refugees from third world countries, such as Iraq, Iran and Sri Lanka, while the gender balance is more equal among the Eastern European refugees, due to the fact that refugees from the Balkans often constitute whole families.

27 per cent live in Oslo

The refugee population increased in all Norwegian counties from 2003 to 2004, although Oslo is still home to most refugees. Around 27 000 refugees lived in Oslo, and they made up 5.2 per cent of the citys total population.

Finnmark and Nord-Trøndelag have the lowest number of refugees, with 750 and 1 200 respectively.

Refugees1, by county. 1 January 2003 and 2004
         1 January 2003        1 January 2004
Total        93 613        99 427
01 østfold 6 282 6 477
02 Akershus 10 005 10 376
03 Oslo 26 438 26 925
04 Hedmark 2 632 2 800
05 Oppland 2 732 2 991
06 Buskerud 5 310 5 704
07 Vestfold 4 185 4 406
08 Telemark 3 397 3 683
09 Aust-Agder 1 726 1 905
10 Vest-Agder 4 418 4 678
11 Rogaland 7 014 7 585
12 Hordaland 6 895 7 429
14 Sogn og Fjordane 1 092 1 283
15 Møre og Romsdal 2 448 2 700
16 Sør-Trøndelag 4 157 4 475
17 Nord-Trøndelag  965 1 216
18 Nordland 2 058 2 540
19 Troms 1 268 1 509
20 Finnmark Finnmárku         591  745
1  The definition 'refugee' refers to persons resident in Norway, who
have come to Norway because of flight (family included). Children
born in Norway to refugees are not included.

Majority are Norwegian citizens

At 1 January 2004, 51 per cent of the refugees had Norwegian citizenship. This percentage varies from below 10 for people from Russia and Afghanistan, to 80 per cent or higher for people from Vietnam and Sri Lanka.
