Refugee population increased by 3 400 persons
Population;Population;Immigration and immigrants
flyktninger, Persons with refugee background, refugees, principal applicants, resettlement refugees, quota refugees, asylum cases, asylum seekers, family reunification, marriage establishment, country backgroundImmigrants , Population, Population count, Population, Immigration and immigrants

Persons with refugee background1 January 2002



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Refugee population increased by 3 400 persons

About 88 000 persons with refugee background were living in Norway on the 1st of January 2002. During 2001 the number of persons with refugee background increased by 3 400. The Afghani and Iraqi nationality groups increased the most, while number of Kosovo-Albanians declined by 1 100 persons. Bosnians were still the largest refugee group.

Refugees from Bosnia-Herzegovina and Iraq were the two largest groups of foreign nationalities with 13 000 and 11 500 persons, respectively. The number of refugees from Serbia-Montenegro declined by 1 100 persons during 2001. This can partly be explained by the voluntary return of Kosovo- Albanians that started in 1999.

28 per cent of the immigrant population are refugees

Refugees made up 28 per cent of the total immigrant population on the 1st of January 2002. This group is also included in immigrant population as first generation immigrants who came to Norway because they had to flee their own country (family included). Children born in Norway by refugees do not count in the statistics of refugees. Around one third of the refugee population came from Eastern Europe, while the rest came from third world countries (Asia, Africa, South and Central America and Turkey).

Three quarters of the refugees were registered as principal applicants on the 1s t of January last year, while the rest came to Norway as relatives of refugees. Of those registered as the principal applicant, 65 per cent were asylum seekers and 23 per cent transfer refugees.

Principal applicants. 1st of January 2002

Most refugees live in Oslo

Approximately one third of the refugees lives in Oslo. The refugee population increased by 1 600 from 2001 to 2002. Refugees made up 5 per cent of the total population in the capita, while the immigrant population accounted for 20 per cent of the population.

Refugees, by county. 1 January 2002
Total                             88 036
01 østfold 5 211
02 Akershus 8 859
03 Oslo 24 147
04 Hedmark 2 591
05 Oppland 2 598
06 Buskerud 4 805
07 Vestfold 3 737
08 Telemark 3 177
09 Aust-Agder 1 655
10 Vest-Agder 4 338
11 Rogaland 6 776
12 Hordaland 6 671
14 Sogn og Fjordane 1 264
15 Møre og Romsdal 2 572
16 Sør-Trøndelag 4 167
17 Nord-Trøndelag 1 075
18 Nordland 2 266
19 Troms 1 408
20 Finnmark Finnmárku  719
1  The definition 'refugee' refers to persons resident
in Norway, who have come to Norway because of
flight (family included). Children born in Norway
to refugees are not included.

Refugees by county. 1997-2002

Differences in the duration of residence

33 per cent of the refugees have lived in Norway less than five years, while only 5 per cent have lived in Norway 20 years or more. 97 per cent of the refugees from Chile have lived in Norway more than ten years, while the percentage for the Vietnamese refugees was 83. On the contrary, 82 per cent of the Afghani and 76 per cent of the Iraqis have lived in Norway less than five years.

Improvement of data

Statistics Norway made up a general view of the persons resident in Norway who have came to Norway because of flight (family connection to refugee included). Statistics about refugees is based on information from the Population Register of Statistics Norway and the registers of the Norwegian Directorate of Immigration. We made improvements in the refugee statistics after the publishing of data from 2001, especially according to country background of persons from former Yugoslavia, Soviet Union, Czech Republic, Ethiopia, Eritrea, Somalia and Israel/Palestinian Territory.

  1.1.2001 improved2 1.1.2002 Increase Per cent
I alt 84 638 88 036 3 398 4.0
Iraq 10 682 11 553  871 8.2
Afghanistan 1 122 1 965  843 75.1
Somalia 7 461 8 203  742 9.9
Iran 8 647 9 234  587 6.8
Ethiopia  812 1 099  287 35.3
Croatia 1 775 1 887  112 6.3
Pakistan  874  977  103 11.8
Sri Lanka 5 107 5 193 86 1.7
Turkey 1 694 1 751 57 3.4
Eritrea 1 304 1 332 28 2.1
Macedonia  929  928 -1 -0.1
Chile 4 554 4 546 -8 -0.2
Poland  968  954 -14 -1.4
Bosnia-Herzegovina 13 041 13 006 -35 -0.3
Vietnam 10 381 10 346 -35 -0.3
Serbia and Montenegro 7 867 6 749 -1 118 -14.2
rest 7 420 8 313  893 12.0
1  The definition 'refugee' refers to persons resident in Norway, who have
come to Norway because of flight (family included). Children born in
Norway to refugees are not included.
2  Figures that can be compared to figures for 1 January 2002.

Improvements for 2001 are also done according to refugee status ' principal applicants'. These alterations are published in table nr 1 for 2001:" Different definitions of refugees , by country background and refugee status . 1 January 2001 ".
