Banking and financial markets

Credit indicatorJune 2019


C2, domestic debt to the general public1
Unadjusted figuresSeasonally adjusted figures
NOK millionPer centNOK millionPer cent
StocksTransactions over past 12 months12-month growthStocksTransactions over past month1-month growth2
1All growth calculations based on stocks that include foreign currency loans are adjusted for exchange rate fluctuations in order to eliminate changes not related to transactions. The growth calculations are also adjusted for statistical breaks that are not attributable to transactions or revaluation. This can cause deviation between stock changes and transactions.
2Converted to annual rate.
June 20185 578 781313 3865.95 564 12223 1345.1
July 20185 585 860308 1825.85 584 73220 5664.5
August 20185 614 708313 1355.95 616 70227 2016.0
September 20185 624 698292 9585.55 623 70811 5982.5
October 20185 666 821308 5595.85 662 57838 0188.4
November 20185 698 123309 2895.75 693 75027 0495.9
December 20185 725 672304 7275.65 731 57833 6727.3
January 20195 747 543314 4915.85 752 77928 4046.1
February 20195 779 904318 1455.85 787 77832 7767.1
March 20195 809 906322 2185.95 814 92126 6805.7
April 20195 838 782319 8455.85 841 76427 2865.8
May 20195 869 872317 1285.75 866 81221 4394.5
June 20195 902 575320 0625.75 887 36124 8585.2