Monthly earnings up NOK 1 500
Labour market and earnings
lonnstat, Earnings in central government, state employees, business sectors (for example central government administration, arts, teaching), job title (for example senior executive officer, police sergeant, prison officerEarnings and labour costs, Labour market and earnings

Earnings in central government1 October 2013

The 2015 wage statistics for all industrial sections and various areas in the public sector will be released collectively on 3 March 2016 in the statistics Earnings of all employees.



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Monthly earnings up NOK 1 500

Full-time employees had average monthly earnings of NOK 43 500 as of 1 October 2013. This was a year-on-year increase of 3.6 per cent, or NOK 1 500.

Employees in central government. Average monthly earnings per full-time eqvivalent, by sex and working hours per 1 October. NOK and percentage change1
Monthly earningsBasic monthly salary
20132012 - 201320132012 - 2013
1Central government employees who are reported to the State Central Register of Government Employees
Central government, total43 1003.641 7003.0
Males45 0003.943 0002.6
Females40 9003.340 2003.1
Full-time employees43 5003.642 1002.9
Males45 2003.943 2002.6
Females41 4003.240 7003.0
Part-time employees39 3003.138 0003.0
Males42 0003.439 9003.4
Females38 0002.737 1002.8

The wage statistics for the central government employees cover, in addition to the employees in public administration, employees in state owned institutions for education, transport and communication, health and social work, professional and technical activities, and construction. Average monthly earnings for employees in health and social work was NOK 39 900, an increase of 3.4 per cent. Employees in construction work had earnings of NOK 42 600, which was up 3.9 per cent. In comparison, employees in education institutions, which includes the universities, had earnings of NOK 43 900, a growth of 2.8 per cent.

Differences between men and women

Full-time employed men in the central government had average earnings of NOK 45 200, whereas women had earnings of NOK 41 400. The year-on-year increases were 3.9 and 3.2 per cent respectively, or NOK 1 700 for men and NOK 1 300 for women.

The public administration

Full-time employees in the public administration had average monthly earnings of NOK 43 500, up NOK 1 700 or 4.1 per cent. Public administration includes overall public service activities, foreign affairs, defence, and social security. Employees in justice and judicial activities had earnings of NOK 43 900, an increase of 2.6 per cent. Earnings for employees in public order and safety activities were NOK 43 600, up 2.3 per cent.

Part-time employees

Earnings for part-time employees, calculated as full-time equivalents, were NOK 39 300, up 3.1 per cent. Part-time employed men had earnings of NOK 42 000, and part-time employed women earned NOK 38 000. The year-on-year increases were 3,4 and 2.7 per cent respectively.

Number of employees in the statistical sample Open and readClose

The statistics are based on information for 129 396 full-time employees and 28 304 part-time employees reported to the State Central Register of Government Employees as per 1 October 2013. The statistics also cover employees paid by the salary scale for managers.