Labour market and earnings;Labour market and earnings;Immigration and immigrants

Labour force surveyQ3 2019


Employed persons aged 15-74, by sex and contractual/usual working hours per week (LFS). 1 0001
Annual average2nd quarter 20183rd quarter 20184th quarter 20181st quarter 20192nd quarter 20193rd quarter 2019
1Part-time = 1-36 hours, with exception of persons with 32-36 working hours who classify themselves as full-time employed. Full-time = 37 hours and over and the cases mentioned above.
Both sexes
Total2 6472 6942 6972 7132 7082 6922 7192 755
Part-time, total665675682659690682683679
Short part-time. 1-9 hours126132134116141152144131
Short part-time. 10-19 hours193188191187188188183184
Long part-time. 20-29 hours182189193190187180190196
Long part-time. 30-36 hours164166164166174163166168
Full time, total1 9722 0092 0032 0462 0091 9992 0272 066
Full time. 32-36 hours173176172185181183191199
Full-time. 37-44 hours1 6061 6441 6431 6681 6401 6431 6481 663
Full-time. 45 hours and more189185183191184169183198
Average contractual/usual working hours34.334.334.234.634.
Total1 3941 4271 4281 4411 4341 4221 4361 464
Part-time, total204208209199214215214215
Short part-time. 1-9 hours4746474248565150
Short part-time. 10-19 hours6663655962656163
Long part-time. 20-29 hours4955575454515758
Long part-time. 30-36 hours4244414350434543
Full time, total1 1871 2141 2131 2391 2161 2031 2191 244
Full time. 32-36 hours81868588878992100
Full-time. 37-44 hours9589869871 004982980987992
Full-time. 45 hours and more145140138145144132138149
Average contractual/usual working hours36.636.636.536.936.536.236.536.6
Total1 2531 2681 2691 2721 2741 2701 2831 291
Part-time, total462468473460476468470463
Short part-time. 1-9 hours7986877493959281
Short part-time. 10-19 hours128125126127126124122121
Long part-time. 20-29 hours133134136136133129134138
Long part-time. 30-36 hours122122124123124120121124
Full time, total786795790808793797808822
Full time. 32-36 hours92918696939499100
Full-time. 37-44 hours648658656664658663661671
Full-time. 45 hours and more4444454541384549
Average contractual/usual working hours31.831.731.631.931.531.531.732.1