NI contributions within private sector increase 4.0<sup>1</sup> per cent
Labour market and earnings
agrl, Basis for employers’ National Insurance contributions, calculated employers’ National Insurance contributions, zones for employers’ National Insurance contributions.Earnings and labour costs, Labour market and earnings
The statistics show the basis for employer's National Insurance contributions classified by wages, pension premiums and wage totals, by sector, zone and municipality.

Basis for employers’ National Insurance contributions2014



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NI contributions within private sector increase 4.01 per cent

The basis for employers’ National Insurance (NI) contributions amounted to NOK 1.194 billion in 2014; an increase of 4.7 per cent from 2013. By comparison, the growth from 2012 to 2013 was 5.1 per cent.

Basis for employer's National Insurance contributions and calculated employer's National Insurance contributions by sector and zone. NOK million
Total basis for employer's National insurance contributionsCalculated employer's National insurance contributionsTotal basis for employer's National insurance contributionsCalculated employer's National insurance contributions
Both private and public sector1 140 209148 8541 194 103155 455
Public sector298 47037 551318 30839 975
Private sector841 739111 304875 795115 480
Zone 1727 018102 510754 2570
Zone 1a26 1513 03720 8860
Zone 221 2592 25729 7800
Zone 38 3995389 1160
Zone 431 9901 65133 2140
Zone 4a16 0341 25816 6410
Zone 510 107010 9920

Within the public sector, the basis for employers’ National Insurance contributions increased by 6.6 per cent between 2013 and 2014. Correspondingly, the private sector experienced a growth of 4.01 per cent.

Municipalities relocated to new zones

Within the private sector, the basis for employers’ National insurance contributions constituted NOK 8761 billion in 2014. Employers’ contributions to National insurance are divided into different rates by region; each municipality is assigned to a zone. From 1 July 2014, 31 municipalities were relocated to zones with lower contribution rates, from zone 1a to zones 2 and 3 respectively. This caused a decrease of 19.9 per cent in wages and other compensations in zone 1a from 2013 to 2014. Correspondingly, zones 2 and 3 experienced a growth of 40.3 per cent and 8.4 per cent respectively in wages and other compensations.

Increase in pension contributions and premiums within the public sector

Within the public sector, the basis for employer’s National insurance contributions constituted NOK 318 billion in 2014. Pension contributions and premiums subject to National Insurance contributions increased by 19.7 per cent between 2013 and 2014. For the corresponding period last year, pension contributions and premiums decreased by 4.0 per cent. The variation of pension contributions and premiums is related to the nature of the liability to pay duty.

Urban municipalities provide the highest contribution to wage totals within the private sector

Three of the largest cities account for 35 per cent of wage totals; Oslo, Bergen and Stavanger. A total of 21.9 per cent of reported wage totals are reported on enterprises in Oslo. Figure 3 shows the ten municipalities with the highest wage totals. These municipalities make up 53 per cent of the combined wage totals of all municipalities in Norway.

1 Figures were corrected 17 July 2015.