Port calls by Norwegian registered fleet remains stable
Transport and tourism
skipanut, Arrivals of vessels at Norwegian and foreign ports (discontinued), Norwegian registered ships, Norwegian controlled ships, port calls, ship size, ship types (for example tanker, dry cargo ship, passenger vessel), Norwegian ports, foreign portsSea transport , Transport and tourism

Arrivals of vessels at Norwegian and foreign ports (discontinued)2006



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Port calls by Norwegian registered fleet remains stable

The number of foreign port calls by Norwegian registered ships was stable in 2006 compared to 2005. Port calls fell with less than 1 per cent, while the corresponding gross tonnage decreased by 4 per cent.

Norwegian ships’ port calls in million gross tonnage by part of the world. 2002 - 2006

Composition of Norwegian port calls in gross tonnage. Whole world. 1998 and 2002 - 2006

Fewer passenger and cruise ships registered abroad

Norwegian ships over 1 000 gross registered tonnage (GRT), which includes ships in Norwegian ship registries and ships in foreign registries under Norwegian ownership, had fewer port calls abroad in 2006. Port calls went down by 6 per cent while the corresponding GRT went down by 25 per cent from 2005. The large reduction in GRT stems from a fall in the number of ships in foreign registries, and particularly for ships within the group of passenger/cruise. For all Norwegian ships in this group the arrived GRT fell by 91 per cent while the number of port calls fell by 72 per cent. As a result of this, the trend in composition of arrived GRT of previous years has been interrupted. Arrived GRT by Norwegian registered ships is now larger than that of ships registered abroad.

More activitiy within offshore ships and specialised vessels

Within the two groups offshore and specialised vessels the joint number of foreign port calls went up 5 per cent from 2005 with the corresponding arrived GRT increasing by 8 per cent. The numbers vary across world regions. In Africa and Asia port calls increased by 80 and 22 per cent respectively, while port calls in Oceania with Antarctica decreased by 51 per cent.

In 2006 the total number of Norwegian registered ships over 1 000 GRT that made port calls abroad went up 1 per cent to 871, while ships registered abroad fell by 1 per cent to 663. These vessels made 50 212 and 38 187 port calls respectively throughout 2006. The corresponding arrived GRT was 832 millions and 638 millions.
