Growth in foreign registered fleet
Transport and tourism
skipanut, Arrivals of vessels at Norwegian and foreign ports (discontinued), Norwegian registered ships, Norwegian controlled ships, port calls, ship size, ship types (for example tanker, dry cargo ship, passenger vessel), Norwegian ports, foreign portsSea transport , Transport and tourism

Arrivals of vessels at Norwegian and foreign ports (discontinued)2005



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Growth in foreign registered fleet

The Norwegian controlled foreign registered fleet saw 6 per cent more port calls in 2005 than in 2004. The tonnage represented by these port calls was 13 per cent above that of 2004.

The number of Norwegian controlled ships went up by 4 per cent from 2004, an increase of which Norwegian controlled foreign registered ships made up 86 per cent.

Norwegian ships' port calls in Grosstonnage. Million. Part of the world. 2002-2005

Composition of Norwegian port calls. Whole world. Per cent of total Norwegian Gross tonnage. 1998 og 2002-2005

Norwegian controlled ships in foreign ports increased their activity compared to 2004. Port calls went up by 4 per cent while arrived gross tonnage went up by 5 per cent. Norwegian ships registered in Norway experienced a slight increase of 1 per cent in foreign port calls with the corresponding arrival of gross tonnage decreased by 5 per cent. Norwegian ships registered outside of Norway saw an increase in both port calls and arrived gross tonnage in foreign ports by 6 and 13 per cent respectively.

Arrived gross tonnage went up on in all the major regions. The largest increase of arrived gross tonnage is found for Oceania and Antarctica with a 15 per cent increase compared to 2004. The increase in arrived gross tonnage was combined with a decrease in port calls of 3 per cent. The largest increase, in absolute figures, in arrived gross tonnage was observed in Europe with 38 million gross tonnes above 2004 level. Total arrived gross tonnage in foreign ports by Norwegian ships went up 79 million gross tonnes. Also in terms of port calls Europe shows the largest absolute increase with 1 993 out of a world total of 2 591. In Europe Great Britain stands out with port calls by Norwegian ships up 1 828 from 2004 and a corresponding increase in arrived gross tonnage by 2,6 million.

In 2005 there were 863 Norwegian ships over 1 000 gross tonnes registered in Norway and 670 Norwegian ships registered outside of Norway. These ships made 51 436 and 44 256 port calls with an arrived gross tonnage of 874 and 1 051 million respectively. Compared to 2004 the number of ships went up within all types except tankers. The largest increase in the number of ships was observed in traffic for the offshore-industry . Here Norwegian ships registered in Norway had an increase of 17 per cent while Norwegian ships registered outside of Norway increased by 20 per cent.
