More transport of bulk cargo
Transport and tourism;Svalbard
havn, Maritime transport, shipping arrival, ship types (for example tanker, dry cargo ship, passenger vessel), domestic routes, overseas trade, goods transport, ferry transport, express coastal steamer, vehicle transport, type of cargo, dry bulk, liquid bulk, containersTransport and tourism, Sea transport , Transport and tourism, Svalbard

Maritime transportQ3 2011



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More transport of bulk cargo

In total, 41.4 million tonnes of liquid and dry bulk were transported in the 3rd quarter of 2011. This was 87 per cent of all cargo transported to and from the largest Norwegian ports.

The transport of liquid bulk was 22.9 million tonnes in the 3rd quarter of 2011; an increase of 1.7 million or 7.9 per cent compared to the same quarter in 2010. The largest port with liquid bulk is Bergen and Omland port with 12.3 million tonnes; an increase of 1.1 million tonnes.

The transport of dry bulk had an increase of 3.1 million tonnes, or 20 per cent, to 18.5 million tonnes. Narvik port is the largest for dry bulk, with 4.7 million tonnes in the 3rd quarter of 2011, which is mainly made up of iron ore. This is an increase of 8.9 per cent compared to the same period in 2010.

Goods after cargo. 3rd quarter 2011. Tonnes

Stable containers traffic

In total, 173 500 TEU containers with and without cargo were transported in the 3rd quarter of 2011; 3 100 more than in the 3rd quarter of 2010. The cargo in containers was 1.2 million tonnes. The increase was 1.9 per cent for both cargo and number of containers.

Unchanged passenger traffic with international ferries

A total of 2.1 million passengers travelled with the international ferries in the 3rd quarter of 2011. Compared to the same period in 2010, the number of passengers was unchanged. The largest ports were Oslo and Kristiansand, with 746 000 and 590 000 passengers respectively. Oslo port had an increase in traffic, while Kristiansand had a slight decrease.

More passengers with the Coastal Express Liner

During the 3rd quarter of 2011, 170 000 passengers travelled with the Coastal Express Liner. This was 4 700 or 2.9 per cent more passengers compared to the same quarter in 2010. Forty-five per cent of the passengers travelled in July. July and August had an increase in the number of passengers, while September had a decrease compared to the same period in 2010. The increase was largest with the southbound Coastal Express Liners.

Liquid bulk and dry bulk

Liquid bulk includes oil and other liquid products.

Dry bulk includes grains/cereals, coal, iron ore and other non-liquid products.

TEU container

Twenty-foot Equivalent Unit container.

New port

Store Norske Spitsbergen Grubekompani AS - a newcomer in 2011.
