Public purchases exceeded NOK 500 billion


Public purchases of goods and services amounted to about NOK 500 billion in 2016. This is an increase of about NOK 23 billion compared to 2015. This is about 16 per cent of the GDP, and the highest in the last 5 years.

Purchases made by the general government increased by NOK 8.7 billion or 4 per cent. Purchases in general government enterprises increased by NOK 440 million or approximately 1 per cent from 2015 to 2016, according to uodated figures from Public purchasing. Whilst gross fixed capital formation increased in the general government, there was however a decrease in general government enterprises.

Increase in central government investments

In the central government, the total purchases grew by just under 6 per cent. Among the sectors with the strongest growth were the Norwegian National Rail Administration, the Police and the criminal re-establishment Services. In addition, investments were high in the university sector, partly due to the infrastructure projects of the co-location of the Veterinary Institute and Norway's Environmental and Life Sciences University. For detailed information, go to

Strong growth in local government

Gross investment in municipal and county administration increased by about 12 per cent from 2015 to 2016. This contributed to the growth in total purchases in the entire public administration exceeding 6 per cent in the same period. It was especially in the areas of water and sewerage, institutions in the care sector, municipal housing and cultural and sports facilities that the growth in investments was strong in 2016. For more about this, go to artikkelen.

Decrease in gross fixed capital in the oil sector

Purchases of goods and services in the oil sector decreased from 2015 to 2016. Even though the goods and services purchases in the oil sector increased in 2015, the growth was still not at the same level as in 2012 and 2013. Gross fixed capital formation in the oil sector experienced a decline of about 3.9 per cent from 2015 to 2016 or NOK 1.1 billion. The central government enterprises excluding the oil sector had an increase of about NOK 143 million in the purchase of goods and services from 2015 to 2016 or 2.7 per cent. The local government and county enterprises increased by NOK 2.6 billion in the purchase of goods and services from 2015 to 2016, or an increase of some 95.9 per cent.
