94,000 cohabiting couples have common children
familie, Families and households, household types (for example living alone, couples with/without children), private households, household size, family types (for example married couples with/without children, mother/father with children, cohabitants with children), single, parents' cohabitation arrangements, single parents, step parents, siblings (e.g. brother/sister, half brother/sister and step brother/sister), only child.Children, families and households, Population

Families and households1 January 2000



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94,000 cohabiting couples have common children

Cohabiting couples with common children have grown in number to 94,000 as of 1 January 2000. At the same time, there are more married couples without children and fewer married couples with children. Still, married couples with children have more children than cohabiting couples.

 Families, by family type 1 January. 1989-2000

 Number of children for married and cohabitant couples in per cent. 1 January 2000

Since family statistics started publishing figures in January 1987 on cohabiting couples with at least one common child, the number has increased three and a half times. As of 1 January 2000 there were 94,300 cohabiting couples with common children in Norway, compared to 26,800 fourteen years earlier. The increase is 3,400 from the year before.
