All releases for Labour force survey, seasonally-adjusted figures - monthly
Publishing date | Measurement period | News title |
5 April 2002 | January 2002 | Stable labour market |
7 March 2002 | December 2001 | Still high labour force participation |
31 January 2002 | November 2001 | High labour force participation |
8 January 2002 | October 2001 | Employment and unemployment slightly up |
3 December 2001 | September 2001 | Stable employment |
1 November 2001 | August 2001 | Stable labour market |
2 October 2001 | July 2001 | Stable labour force participation |
31 August 2001 | June 2001 | Unemployment up |
6 August 2001 | May 2001 | Unemployment Unchanged |
29 June 2001 | April 2001 | Increased employment |
31 May 2001 | March 2001 | Increased employment |
3 May 2001 | February 2001 | Increase in man-weeks worked |
30 March 2001 | January 2001 | Decline in man-weeks worked |
1 March 2001 | December 2000 | Higher unemployment |
1 February 2001 | November 2000 | Decline in man-weeks worked |
The statistics is published with Labour force survey.