Marked increase in household consumption of goods


Household consumption of goods increased 1.1 per cent from January to February 2017, according to seasonally adjusted figures. There was an increase in most consumption groups except purchases of vehicles and petrol.

Figure 1. Index of household consumption of goods, seasonally adjusted and unadjusted. 2005=100

Seasonally adjusted Unadjusted
Jan. 2010 120.89 111.89
Feb. 118.39 104.25
March 117.36 120.36
April 115.03 104.97
May 115.56 112.51
June 116.13 121.06
July 116.70 119.68
Aug. 117.07 115.96
Sep. 116.60 113.52
Oct. 119.33 117.24
Nov. 121.46 123.47
Dec. 119.29 148.32
Jan. 2011 117.71 109.65
Feb. 119.14 105.03
March 117.39 114.28
April 119.34 114.28
May 118.67 119.56
June 118.44 121.34
July 117.61 117.55
Aug. 119.87 121.85
Sep. 119.68 116.63
Oct. 120.83 118.72
Nov. 121.40 123.4
Dec. 120.35 148.32
Jan. 2012 120.27 114.2
Feb. 121.03 109.96
March 120.18 120.12
April 123.42 112.38
May 123.76 123.7
June 121.61 127.5
July 123.92 121.88
Aug. 122.79 125.67
Sep. 125.27 118.2
Oct. 124.30 124.24
Nov. 124.04 126.95
Dec. 124.41 149.47
Jan. 2013 126.55 119.95
Feb. 126.60 110.57
March 126.01 120.21
April 124.27 119.33
May 125.94 125.45
June 125.47 128.02
July 123.83 124.78
Aug. 124.48 126.45
Sep. 125.71 117.21
Oct. 124.95 124.39
Nov. 124.41 126.63
Dec. 124.56 150.43
Jan. 2014 125.43 118.91
Feb. 125.38 109.36
March 126.33 120.47
April 125.73 119.63
May 125.33 127.04
June 126.93 128.56
July 125.14 126.26
Aug. 126.73 125.61
Sep. 126.15 120.55
Oct. 126.38 126.16
Nov. 126.79 125.46
Dec. 128.13 158.44
Jan. 2015 126.08 118.84
Feb. 126.44 110.77
March 127.43 128.13
April 129.48 117.57
May 126.16 124.89
June 128.34 135.39
July 128.35 129.48
Aug. 128.24 125.73
Sep. 126.52 120.67
Oct. 127.50 126.51
Nov. 128.06 126.89
Dec. 126.78 156.14
Jan. 2016 128.61 117.98
Feb. 127.12 115.4
March 126.59 121.9
April 126.46 123.58
May 127.63 126.3
June 127.09 134.48
July 126.16 122.95
Aug. 126.78 128.26
Sep. 126.27 121.01
Oct. 127.06 121.89
Nov. 128.45 131.64
Dec. 126.01 154.57
Jan. 2017 126.72 118.94
Feb. 128.14 112.72

The consumption of food and beverages increased 1.8 per cent from January to February, and contributed to pulling up household consumption of goods 0.6 percentage points, while the consumption of other goods, including clothing and IT equipment, increased 1.8 per cent and pulled up household consumption of goods 0.7 percentage points. Consumption of electricity and heating fuels increased 2.5 per cent in the same period.

On the other hand households’ purchases of vehicles and petrol fell 1.9 per cent and pulled the household consumption of goods down.

Without adjusting for calendar effects and seasonality, household consumption of goods was 2.3 per cent lower in February 2017 than in the same month the year before

In February 2017 household consumption of goods consisted of 34 per cent food and beverages, 12 per cent electricity and heating fuels, 18 per cent purchases of vehicles and petrol, and 36 per cent other goods.