More than 23 000 man-years
Public sector;Public sector
forsv_statres, The Norwegian Armed Forces - StatRes (discontinued), army, home guard, Air Force, Royal Navy, coast guard, navy, sailing hours, patrolling days, exercise activity, inspections, responses, own production, wage costs, purchase of goods and services, man-labour yearsGeneral government , Central government finances , Public sector

The Norwegian Armed Forces - StatRes (discontinued)2009

This statistics has been discontinued. Consult The Norwegian Armed Forces.



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More than 23 000 man-years

The Norwegian Armed Forces is the largest central government body of Norway with regard to employment.

The number of contracted man-years adjusted for long-term leave increased by 900 from 2008, reaching a total of 23 200 in 2009. This figure is 7 000 higher than the figure of the body that is the second largest central government employer.

The number of days on active service for the Home Guard 2006-2009

Own production of the divisions in the Norwegian Armed Forces, NOK million

Costs of own production were NOK 27 billion; an increase of 8 per cent compared to 2008. The sector diagram shows the contribution to this figure from the different divisions of the Norwegian Armed Forces.

The investments in 2009 amounted to NOK 7.6 billion; a decrease of 9 per cent compared to 2008.

The number of days on active service for the Home Guard was 174 000 in 2009. This number has been decreasing sharply in the last few years, as the diagram on the right hand side of the screen illustrates.

The number of personnel that has served in operations abroad for more than 30 days, 2005-2009

Number of hours sailing in the Coast Squadron 2005-2009

The Number of hours sailing in the Coast Squadron 2009 was approximately at the same level as in 2008. However, the composition of the time on the sea with regard to the different vessel groups was quite different from 2008. This composition has changed in each of the last five years.

The number of personnel that has served in operations abroad for more than 30 days was 2 600. This number has risen sharply each year for the period 2006-2009.