Stable population despite redundancies at Store Norske
befsvalbard, Population of Svalbard, population, settlements (Norwegian, Russian and Polish), in-migration, out-migration, period of residence, births, deathsPopulation count, Population, Population, Svalbard
Population of Svalbard

Population of Svalbard1 July 2015



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Stable population despite redundancies at Store Norske

Svalbard had a total of 2 667 inhabitants on 1 July 2015. The number of inhabitants is unaltered in both the Norwegian and the Russian settlements. The redundancies at Store Norske have not yet had any impact on the population size of Svalbard.

Population in the Norwegian settlements of Svalbard, by sex and age
2nd half year 20151
11. halvår is defined as 1 January. 2. halvår is defined as 1 July.
Total2 1891 261928
0 years15114
1-5 years1137241
6-12 years1759283
13-15 years583424
16-19 years683731
20-44 years1 134629505
45-66 years588359229
67 years or older382711

The most distinct change during the first half of 2015 is a decline by 47 in the number of Norwegians in the Norwegian settlements, while the number of foreigners has risen by 51. The share of foreigners in the Norwegian settlements has reached 25 per cent.