Monthly earnings up NOK 1 000
Labour market and earnings
lonnsos, Earnings in personal service activities, professional and industrial bodies, labour and employers' organisations, dry cleaners, hairdressers, beauty services, funeral directors, occupational groupsEarnings and labour costs, Labour market and earnings

Earnings in personal service activities1 October 2010

The 2015 wage statistics for all industrial sections and various areas in the public sector will be released collectively on 3 March 2016 in the statistics Earnings of all employees.



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Monthly earnings up NOK 1 000

Full-time employees in personal service activities had average monthly earnings of NOK 34 500 as of 1 October 2010; a year-on-year increase of NOK 1 000, or 3 per cent.

Personal service activities cover a range of very diverse activities, including membership organisations, repair of computers, washing and dry cleaning, hairdressing, and funerals.

Employees in membership organisations

In addition to employees in employers’ and workers’ organisations, this also includes religious organisations and political parties. Full-time employees in employers’ organisations had average monthly earnings of NOK 50 600; a growth of 5.2 per cent. The largest occupational group here is professionals, such as lawyers, various project managers, advisers, and economists. Average monthly earnings in this group increased from NOK 48 500 in October 2009 to NOK 51 000 in October 2010; a year-on-year growth of 5.2 per cent.

Corresponding earnings for full-time employees in workers’ organisations were NOK 44 200, up 3.8 per cent from the previous year.

Repair of computers

Full-time employees in enterprises that repair computers and other electric and electronic household appliances had average monthly earnings of NOK 32 600; up NOK 2 000 or 6.5 per cent.

Other personal service activities

This section includes washing and dry cleaning, hairdressers, and funeral parlours. Full-time employees in laundries and dry cleaners had average monthly earnings of NOK 28 200; up 2.9 per cent. Three out of five who work in laundries are machine operators or drivers, with average monthly earnings of NOK 25 900; up 3.6 per cent. In contrast, employees in funeral parlours earned NOK 36 600, and hairdressers and beauticians earned NOK 25 400.

About the statistical basis

The wage statistics are collected for the same month each year, regardless of whether the wage has been adjusted for the results from the wage settlement. This can influence the change in wages from 1 October 2009 to 1 October 2010.

The statistics are based on information from a sample of enterprises covering a total of 11 638 full-time employees and 3 901 part-time employees. According to the Norwegian Central Register of Enterprises and Establishments as per October 2010, personal service activities comprises in total 16 176 employees.

The term average monthly earnings is the main term in Statistics Norway's wage statistics. Monthly earnings cover basic salaries, variable additional allowances and bonuses. Payment for overtime work is not included, but is presented in the statistics separately. Basic salary is measured as per 1 October, while bonuses, variable additional allowances and payment for overtime work are calculated from the annual sum as a monthly average.
