Labour market and earnings;Immigration and immigrants
Statistics covering registered unemployment among immigrants and Norwegian born to immigrant parents compared with the rest of the population. In August 2016 the unemployment rate among immigrants was 7.2 per cent.

Registered unemployed among immigrants (discontinued in Statistics Norway)Q3 2016


Registered unemployed, by immigrant background, region of birth and sex. In absolute figures and in per cent of the labour force
3rd quarter 20153rd quarter 2016Change last twelve months
Both sexesMalesFemalesBoth sexesMalesFemales3rd quarter 2015 - 3rd quarter 2016
Both sexesMalesFemales
1Non-residents included.
2Turkey is included.
Absolute figures
Registered unemployed, total84 70147 81336 88884 66749 12335 544-341 310-1 344
Non-immigrant population153 51130 57622 93553 66932 15121 5181581 575-1 417
Immigrants, total31 19017 23713 95330 99816 97214 026-192-26573
The Nordic countries1 6121 0026101 513946567-99-56-43
Western Europe else1 8311 1856461 9111 252659806713
EU countries in Eastern Europe10 6266 9573 66910 3166 6243 692-310-33323
Eastern Europe else2 5301 0131 5172 5731 0191 55443637
North-America and Oceania259149110258149109-10-1
Asia28 6363 7294 9078 5483 7584 790-8829-117
Africa4 5792 7141 8654 7612 7691 99218255127
South- and Central-Amerika1 1174886291 1184556631-3334
Per cent
Registered unemployed, total3.
Non-immigrant population12.
Immigrants, total7.
The Nordic countries3.
Western Europe else4.
EU countries in Eastern Europe8.
Eastern Europe else7.
North-America and Oceania3.
South- and Central-Amerika8.