Labour market and earnings;Labour market and earnings;Immigration and immigrants

Labour force surveyQ2 2017


Employed persons aged 15-74, by sex and contractual/usual working hours per week (LFS). 1 0001
Annual average1st quarter 20162nd quarter 20163rd quarter 20164th quarter 20161st quarter 20172nd quarter 2017
1Part-time = 1-36 hours, with exception of persons with 32-36 working hours who classify themselves as full-time employed. Full-time = 37 hours and over and the cases mentioned above.
Both sexes
Total2 6512 6472 6422 6472 6662 6352 6282 658
Part-time, total672668684683649656666658
Short part-time. 1-9 hours139134152141116126129126
Short part-time. 10-19 hours199194198200187192199189
Long part-time. 20-29 hours174176177176172180178183
Long part-time. 30-36 hours161163157166173158160161
Full time, total1 9701 9711 9501 9582 0071 9701 9541 992
Full time. 32-36 hours172177178183173173167182
Full-time. 37-44 hours1 5991 5961 5811 5791 6281 5951 5981 618
Full-time. 45 hours and more194194185192201196184187
Average contractual/usual working hours34.234.334.034.234.734.434.334.4
Total1 4021 3951 3901 3961 4071 3871 3871 401
Part-time, total207206212211204198209206
Short part-time. 1-9 hours5351585244485047
Short part-time. 10-19 hours6767706965626765
Long part-time. 20-29 hours4848464949505251
Long part-time. 30-36 hours3940374046384143
Full time, total1 1911 1861 1741 1831 2001 1851 1751 191
Full time. 32-36 hours8483898777788083
Full-time. 37-44 hours955950939946962954947961
Full-time. 45 hours and more148149143146157148145143
Average contractual/usual working hours36.536.636.336.536.936.736.536.6
Total1 2491 2521 2521 2511 2581 2491 2421 258
Part-time, total465462472473445458456452
Short part-time. 1-9 hours8583948972788079
Short part-time. 10-19 hours132127128131122129132124
Long part-time. 20-29 hours126128131127123130126132
Long part-time. 30-36 hours122123119125128120119118
Full time, total779786775776807784779801
Full time. 32-36 hours8894909696958799
Full-time. 37-44 hours644645642633666641651658
Full-time. 45 hours and more4645424743473944
Average contractual/usual working hours31.731.831.531.632.231.931.731.9