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Weekly Bulletin issue no. 15-16, 1998 <sti>Stikktittel

Waste accounts for glass, 1996:

Over 120 000 tonnes of glass waste

In 1996, Norway produced 121,430 tonnes of glass waste, the majority of which consisted of packaging (bottles and jars) and building glass. Around 60 per cent of packaging glass is recycled, while the figure for building glass is only two per cent.

The figures are taken from Statistics Norway's waste accounts. Because a variety of data sources and calculation methods are used to compile the accounts, it should be noted that parts of the statistical material are highly uncertain.

According to the calculations, packaging accounts for the biggest product group of glass waste, with 55 000 tonnes or 45 per cent of the total amount. Building glass is the other biggest product group, with 43,000 tonnes or 35 per cent of all glass waste. Other products make up 23,400 tonnes, or nearly 20 per cent of the total amount.

Most glass waste from households and building and construction

Households and the building and construction industry are the largest sources of glass waste, with each accounting for about 44,000 tonnes, or 36 per cent of the total amount.

New Statistics

Waste accounts for glass, 1996.
Methods and earlier statistical computations are found in RAPP 97/12. For more information, contact: Olav Skogstad, tel. +47 62 88 51 65, e-mail: olav.skogesal@ssb.no, or Ole Osvald Moss, tel. +47 62 88 52

Weekly Bulletin issue no. 15-16, 1998