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Quarterly national accounts, 1. quarter 2011
1 Final expenditure and gross domestic product. At current prices. Million kroner
  2009 2010 09:3 09:4 10:1 10:2 10:3 10:4 11:1
Final consumption expenditure                  
of households and NPISHs1 1 015 261 1 073 247 260 345 268 882 254 815 261 923 272 490 284 019 260 962
Household final consumption expenditure 971 810 1 027 646 249 519 257 898 243 645 250 370 261 129 272 502 249 237
Goods 492 044 521 999 123 454 138 911 123 856 124 580 127 481 146 082 123 073
Services 446 365 469 162 115 016 113 325 110 916 117 559 121 215 119 472 115 966
Direct purchases abroad by resident households 59 839 65 286 18 435 12 419 14 162 16 491 20 515 14 118 15 551
Direct purchases by non-residents -26 437 -28 800 -7 387 -6 757 -5 289 -8 260 -8 082 -7 169 -5 352
Final consumption expenditure of NPISHs1 43 451 45 601 10 826 10 985 11 170 11 553 11 360 11 517 11 725
Final consumption expenditure of general governmen 533 074 558 314 133 927 135 800 138 318 135 499 140 100 144 397 146 216
Final consumption expenditure of central governm 275 662 280 531 70 163 69 502 69 225 68 861 71 467 70 977 72 639
Central government, civilian 240 684 245 134 61 463 60 814 60 535 60 088 62 739 61 773 63 129
Central government, defence 34 978 35 396 8 700 8 688 8 691 8 774 8 728 9 204 9 510
Final consumption expenditure of local governmen 257 413 277 784 63 764 66 298 69 093 66 637 68 633 73 420 73 577
Gross fixed capital formation 524 361 506 478 124 147 139 175 113 933 129 174 123 061 140 310 130 033
Extraction and transport via pipelines 134 399 124 168 34 007 31 991 28 125 32 982 30 274 32 787 33 346
Services activities incidential to extraction 11 692 2 871 1 786 4 834 706 664 613 889 234
Ocean transport 19 968 22 906 4 589 5 778 4 803 6 561 5 724 5 818 3 781
Mainland Norway 358 302 356 532 83 765 96 572 80 299 88 967 86 450 100 816 92 671
Mainland Norway) excluding general government. 272 434 275 311 63 652 68 004 63 401 69 153 66 281 76 476 72 065
Industries 193 537 195 557 45 359 48 578 43 903 49 897 46 957 54 801 48 046
Manufacturing and mining 25 563 21 558 5 458 6 571 4 673 5 485 4 561 6 839 3 960
Production of other goods 30 846 34 489 8 190 8 156 6 528 9 026 8 909 10 025 7 638
Other services 137 128 139 511 31 711 33 851 32 702 35 386 33 487 37 936 36 448
Dwelling service (households) 78 897 79 754 18 293 19 426 19 498 19 256 19 325 21 675 24 019
General government 85 868 81 221 20 113 28 568 16 898 19 814 20 169 24 340 20 606
Changes in stocks and statistical discrepancies -57 436 25 827 -12 332 -22 197 5 890 15 583 -437 4 791 34 753
Gross capital formation 466 925 532 305 111 814 116 979 119 823 144 757 122 624 145 101 164 786
Final domestic use of goods and services 2 015 260 2 163 867 506 087 521 661 512 956 542 179 535 214 573 518 571 964
Final demand from Mainland Norway (excl. changes i 1 906 637 1 988 094 478 037 501 255 473 432 486 389 499 040 529 233 499 849
Final demand from general government 618 942 639 535 154 040 164 368 155 216 155 313 160 269 168 737 166 822
Total exports 969 918 1 046 863 237 099 258 340 261 631 251 962 248 702 284 569 282 752
Traditional goods 278 123 302 533 69 514 73 952 72 544 73 094 75 531 81 365 78 790
Crude oil and natural gas 426 064 480 508 103 599 114 666 125 539 114 555 105 448 134 966 142 007
Ships, oil platforms and aircraft 13 585 9 158 2 574 2 833 3 817 2 336 1 626 1 379 1 740
Services 252 145 254 664 61 413 66 889 59 731 61 977 66 097 66 859 60 215
Total use of goods and services 2 985 178 3 210 730 743 186 780 002 774 587 794 141 783 916 858 086 854 716
Total imports 654 276 714 552 169 904 165 153 162 038 182 709 184 451 185 354 197 081
Traditional goods 408 917 441 908 100 645 103 446 101 495 112 458 108 270 119 685 120 505
Crude oil and natural gas 4 610 6 986 1 803 1 656 929 2 116 2 449 1 492 2 531
Ships, oil platforms and aircraft 25 266 27 751 4 767 9 690 6 793 8 053 6 938 5 967 15 866
Services 215 483 237 907 62 689 50 361 52 821 60 082 66 794 58 210 58 179
Gross domestic product2 2 330 902 2 496 178 573 282 614 849 612 549 611 432 599 465 672 732 657 635
Gross domestic product Mainland Norway (market val 1 836 023 1 937 482 450 547 484 047 472 019 473 835 477 643 513 985 494 842
Petroleum activities and ocean transport 494 878 558 696 122 735 130 802 140 530 137 597 121 822 158 747 162 792
Mainland Norway (basic values) 1 580 542 1 662 894 385 991 416 553 405 777 406 407 408 651 442 059 425 799
Mainland Norway excluding general government 1 204 943 1 269 248 292 628 319 468 307 769 311 439 310 753 339 287 320 768
Manufacturing and mining 209 020 210 137 49 570 54 000 52 546 52 950 50 460 54 181 55 056
Production of other goods 178 076 204 096 44 619 48 636 53 033 43 147 50 086 57 830 55 801
Service activities 817 847 855 016 198 439 216 832 202 191 215 342 210 207 227 276 209 912
General government 375 600 393 645 93 364 97 085 98 008 94 968 97 898 102 772 105 030
Taxes and subsidies products 255 481 274 588 64 556 67 494 66 242 67 428 68 992 71 926 69 044