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Quarterly national accounts, 4. quarter 2010
19 Gross domestic product and value added by industry. At constant 2007-prices. Million kroner
  2009 2010 09:2 09:3 09:4 10:1 10:2 10:3 10:4
Gross domestic product1 2 255 990 2 266 079 545 074 549 155 590 561 567 882 554 378 543 745 600 074
Agriculture, hunting and forestry 13 955 15 344 -507 7 092 4 113 3 119 -169 7 959 4 436
Fishing and fish farming 13 303 14 670 2 576 2 782 4 080 4 752 3 111 3 355 3 452
Oil and gas extraction including services 479 801 451 215 112 494 113 456 123 187 124 048 111 629 95 782 119 756
Oil and gas extraction 450 457 421 184 104 558 106 712 116 253 116 662 103 830 88 683 112 008
Service activities incidental to oil and gas 29 344 30 032 7 936 6 744 6 934 7 386 7 799 7 099 7 748
Mining and quarrying 3 666 4 083 950 922 987 858 1 138 1 057 1 029
Manufacturing 198 178 202 035 47 960 46 273 51 775 50 887 50 200 47 812 53 135
Food products, beverages and tobacco 30 581 30 633 7 133 7 442 8 262 7 823 7 278 7 419 8 114
Textiles,wearing apparel, leather 1 567 1 337 384 349 388 371 316 303 346
Wood and wood products 6 401 7 273 1 676 1 508 1 725 1 678 1 934 1 774 1 888
Pulp, paper and paper products 3 346 3 589 780 830 906 905 895 873 917
Publishing, printing, reproduction 17 943 17 307 4 297 4 203 4 544 4 558 4 341 4 047 4 361
Refined petroleum, chemical and mineral products 20 681 21 695 5 030 4 883 5 293 5 153 5 376 5 134 6 032
Basic chemicals 9 785 12 140 2 376 2 226 2 737 2 946 2 974 3 084 3 137
Basic metals 11 489 12 564 2 626 2 833 3 302 3 092 3 056 3 041 3 374
Machinery and other equipment n.e.c 64 605 64 788 15 818 14 650 16 571 16 630 16 287 14 860 17 012
Building of ships, oil platforms and moduls 26 995 26 079 6 676 6 284 6 809 6 534 6 611 6 192 6 743
Furniture and other manufacturing n.e.c 4 785 4 627 1 163 1 066 1 237 1 198 1 131 1 086 1 212
Electricity and gas supply 39 308 38 035 8 066 8 369 11 419 11 601 7 524 7 661 11 249
Water supply 2 604 2 736 603 719 671 645 631 743 717
Construction 101 072 101 434 24 912 24 452 25 856 24 510 25 318 24 646 26 960
Wholesale and retail trade, repair of motor vehicl 177 534 181 292 43 777 43 475 49 181 42 618 44 174 44 471 50 029
Hotels and restaurants 30 196 30 508 7 813 8 436 7 372 6 392 7 858 8 619 7 640
Transport via pipelines 18 003 17 842 4 119 4 065 4 784 5 116 4 392 3 332 5 002
Ocean transport 26 403 27 053 6 641 6 693 6 715 6 099 7 108 6 787 7 059
Other transport industries 57 903 60 938 13 956 14 451 15 859 13 736 14 829 15 406 16 967
Post and telecommunications 35 853 35 883 8 722 8 773 9 505 8 890 8 694 8 748 9 552
Financial intermediation 80 870 83 225 20 356 21 044 19 760 19 553 21 423 22 347 19 902
Dwellings (households) 86 473 87 531 21 599 21 759 21 758 21 638 21 779 22 031 22 083
Business services 209 249 212 783 53 703 46 802 56 788 51 293 53 266 49 124 59 099
Public administration and defence 96 275 97 761 23 232 24 452 24 590 24 038 23 776 24 782 25 165
Education 88 987 91 787 21 801 20 124 23 362 24 523 22 507 20 650 24 107
Health and social work 189 615 194 295 46 184 48 119 48 266 47 562 47 242 49 646 49 845
Other social and personal services 59 480 61 330 14 717 14 360 15 530 15 331 15 331 14 788 15 880
GDP Mainland Norway1 1 731 784 1 769 970 421 819 424 942 455 874 432 618 431 249 437 844 468 258
Value added tax and investment levy 184 854 189 515 45 812 46 574 48 397 45 339 46 321 47 753 50 102
Other taxes on products, net 62 410 64 785 15 586 15 965 16 605 15 334 16 296 16 247 16 909
Statistical discrepancy -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -0
GDP Mainland Norway (basic values) 1 484 520 1 515 670 360 422 362 403 390 872 371 945 368 632 373 845 401 248
General government 340 644 348 273 82 495 84 303 87 778 87 169 84 401 86 409 90 294
Central government 149 060 147 396 35 927 37 746 38 108 36 071 35 902 37 450 37 972
Civilian central government 132 487 130 531 31 867 33 658 33 775 31 970 31 767 33 268 33 527
Defence 16 573 16 864 4 060 4 088 4 334 4 101 4 136 4 182 4 445
Local government 191 583 200 877 46 568 46 557 49 670 51 098 48 499 48 959 52 321