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298 Households and non-profit institutions serving households. Financial assets and liabilities, by financial instrument per 31 December. NOK million
  1995 2000 2009 2010 2011 2012
Total financial assets  829 971 1 295 108 2 640 145 2 793 545 2 884 177 3 075 120
Notes, coins and deposits  319 926  429 701  811 187  853 531  922 090  985 896
Securities other than shares 9 829 18 286 20 180 19 977 16 343 17 161
Shares and other equity 75 528  146 912  249 172  266 027  247 333  257 312
Mutual fund shares 26 877 81 870  121 894  138 263  119 742  123 667
Loans 9 415 8 125 88 208 87 308 88 703 90 183
Insurance technical reserves  297 447  465 581  934 679 1 020 815 1 067 010 1 161 379
Other financial assets 90 949  144 633  414 825  407 624  422 956  439 522
Total liabilities  601 648  895 400 2 148 708 2 298 800 2 473 221 2 646 573
Loans from banks  322 647  573 140 1 128 351 1 067 801 1 052 931 1 042 582
Loans from mortage companies 17 093 9 034  532 159  722 959  872 121 1 024 444
Loans from state lending institutions  109 635  126 723  163 556  178 671  184 455  190 633
Loans from finance companies 16 891 30 840 51 499 38 146 42 969 45 047
Other loans 63 667 48 731  103 381  113 769  125 176  148 343
Other liabilities 71 715  106 932  169 762  177 454  195 569  195 524
Net financial assets  228 323  399 708  491 437  494 745  410 956  428 547
Source: Statistics Norway's system for quarterly financial accounts (Finse).
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