
Waste in Norway by material, source and material and treatment and material. 1 000 tonnes.1
Material, total. Except contaminated soilPaper, cardboard and pasteboardMetalsPlasticGlasWood wasteTextilesWetorganic wasteConcrete and bricksSludgesOtherHazardousContaminated soil2
1Mixed waste is not considered as a category of its own in The Waste Account for Norway, but is instead, based upon results form sorting analysis, divided upon the pure waste fractions. This cause the pure waste fractions to be somewhat higher, and the mixed waste lower in the Waste Account than in the source statistics.
2Break in the time series: Industrial landfills are missing before 2010.
3Includes scrapped cars and motor bikes, and paper burnt at home.
19957 1001 0375933771871 3341151 0795252481 034573806
20008 1761 1187584141991 3001201 2566512641 484611410
20059 3831 1989204132261 5841211 4217432531 536970358
20099 2041 1369424432171 6291151 4087592141 3251 017973
20109 4541 1071 0664392091 6601171 4936842041 3131 1621 698
20119 8901 0851 0964782141 8151131 4527102271 4411 2592 213
By source and material
Total9 8901 0851 0964782141 8151131 4527102271 4411 2592 213
Households32 293484222157824074855340305320
Agriculture, forestry and fishing151613230169800120
Mining and quarrying438364204050083530
Manufacturing industries2 67410613239197486365381135125970
Electricity and water supply450900101001330
Construction1 6086586427126611776640297290
Service industries1 439398126138412003530752106830
Sewerage and waste management444050000001132111140
Other or unspecified79623438760188845000172 213
By treatment/disposal and material
Total9 8901 0851 0964782141 8151131 4527102271 4411 2592 213
Sent to material recovery3 8306361 0208910037413135911073812190
Biological treatment4010000133026700100
Energy recovery2 856323023101 184756750641611430
Filling compound and cover material205100150211617800
Incineration without energy recovery6346971527795191660017670
Landfill8202752552362980112213882 213
Other disposal44100000000004410
Other or unspecified70430081300130283948300