
Number of courses, participants and lessons, by subject1
CoursesParticipantsLessons total
1The figures for 2020 include courses of at least four hours duration in contrast to previous years when the minimum requirement was eight hours.
Total34 838373 693162 566211 127960 223
Language studies1 1727 7402 8394 90148 257
Aesthetic subjects and handicraft13 830153 52357 84395 680455 000
Humanities, philosophy and ethics3 59931 57914 41917 16080 811
Social sciences53911 5554 8576 69814 650
Organization and management6 11579 49240 91138 581107 759
Business and ICT2843 8331 8401 9933 219
Health, social and sports5 74238 00811 78926 219149 570
Transport and communication451 5409745661 462
Science, industry and technical subjects63618 04911 6246 42516 292
Natural resource management, ecology, environmental protection and outdoor recreation2 75427 69515 24912 44668 927
Goods and services12267922145814 276