
Number of courses, participants and lessons by organization1
CoursesParticipantsLessons total
1The figures for 2020 include courses of at least four hours duration in contrast to previous years when the minimum requirement was eight hours.
Total34 838373 693162 566211 127960 223
The Workers' Education Association of Norway81010 6965 5525 14426 213
The Adult Learning Association for Agriculture and Community1 0808 5226 1672 35533 301
Adult Education Association of Christian communities and organizations in Norway3 80527 42711 25316 17498 726
The Study Association Funkis5 56935 99910 51125 488110 657
Association for studies of culture and traditions4 04029 7385 60224 136113 046
The Sports Education Foundation2 73734 31421 93512 37948 084
The Adult Education Association of Music5 46666 47828 27038 208197 887
The Sami Adult Education Association84420983227 298
The Adult Education Association of the Centre Party6323 3901 9371 45311 679
The Adult Education Association of Solidarity3511 5865411 04546 196
Folkeuniversitetet - An Adult Education Association5 75476 26434 82641 438184 440
The Adult Education Association of Nature and Environment2 59322 52410 86311 66151 887
The Adult Education Association of the Liberal Party3802 2211 2191 0026 004
The Academic Association for Adult Education1 53754 11423 79230 32224 805