
Density of dwelling by household type
Live in spacious dwelling, many rooms and sq.m.Live in crowded dwelling, few rooms and sq.m.UnknownNumber of households
Housholds total91.06.72.32 397 466
Living alone92.84.13.1921 934
Couple without resident children96.41.91.7576 065
Couple with small children (youngest child 0-5 years)77.820.41.7230 734
Couple with older children (youngest child 6-17 years) 867
Lone parent with small children (youngest child 0-5 years)82.614.23.227 193
Lone parent with older children (youngest child 6-17 years) 317
One-family households with adult children (youngest child 18 years and over) 035
Two or more-family households with children68.729.32.031 412
Two or more-family households without resident children 0-17 years84.611.83.586 909