
Interlinkages of creditor and debtors. Loan. NOK million.
3rd quarter 2018Debtor sector
Non-financial corporations1Financial corporationsGeneral governmentHouseholds & NIPSHRest of the world
1Including reconciliation sector.
Creditor sector
Non-financial corporations11 640 68416 08518 36118 190305 542
Financial corporations1 455 782375 549411 7503 378 740354 630
General government136 445358 30481 03191 224264 567
Households & NIPSH80 00012 4331 43400
Rest of the world769 366121 903246 83319 9720
Non-financial corporations110010 043-20-267
Financial corporations7 056-3 6284 92153 388-31 842
General government-3 6934 8290-236-10 839
Households & NIPSH0-1701400
Rest of the world-40 54179-28 22900