
Municipal operating expenditure, revenues and capital expenditure within building matters and land use planning (account balance 301, 302, 303, 304 og 305)
Gross operating revenuesNet operating expediture, per capita. NOKGross capital expenditureGross operating expenditureGross operating expenditureGross operating expenditureGross operating expenditureGross operating expenditure
In total. 1000 NOKPer capita. NOKIn total. 1000 NOKPer capita. NOKIn total. 1000 NOKPer capita. NOKPhysical planning (account balance 301). Per centBuilding projects (account balance 302, 304, 305). Per centSubdivision of land including survey (account balance 303). Per cent
20152 607 608500314258 670504 014 392770383527
20162 686 519511339304 487584 215 204801383526
20172 783 231526351305 643584 377 606828383626