
Bankruptcies. Owners of personal owned enterprises by gender, age groups, national background, level of education and economic activity
Proprietors of sole proprietorships incl. personal bankcruptciesPartners in General Partnerships and General Partnerships with Shared Liability
Age groups
Total1 2361 108128392613
16-24 years23176000
25-44 years6705947620119
45-66 years5184754314113
67 years or older25223541
National background
Total1 2361 108128392613
EU/EAA (except Norway), USA, Canada, Australia, New Zealand365322431091
Asia, Africa, Latin America, Oceania (except Australia and New Zealand), Europe without EU/EAA17515223413
Level of education
Total1 2361 108128392613
Lower secondary education369331381064
Upper secondary education41737740972
Tertiary education, short10594111174
Tertiary education, long27252312
Industrial activity
Total1 2361 108128392613
Agriculture, forestry and fishing29281000
Mining and quarrying220000
Electricity, gas, steam and air conditioning supply000000
Water supply, sewerage, waste management and remediation activities440000
Wholesale and retail trade: repair of motor vehicles and motorcycles877710000
Transportation and storage16615313000
Accomodation and food service activities433013000
Information and communication37370000
Financial and insurance activities110000
Real estate activities761000
Professional, scientific and technical activities74668000
Adminitrative and support service activities1048024000
Public administration and defence, compulsory social security000000
Human health and social work activities15114000
Arts, entertainment and recreation29254000
Other service activities31724000
Activities of households as employers, undifferentiated goods- and service producing activities of households for own account110000
Activities of extraterritorial organisations and bodies000000