
Percentage share of total estimated net wealth, average net wealth and lowest value in decile for households, by deciles1
Share of total net wealth (per cent)Average estimated net wealth (NOK)Lowest value in decile (NOK)
1Students not included
Total100.02 553 400..
Decile 1-3.9-990 600..
Decile 2-0.3-68 000-215 900
Decile 30.376 7003 700
Decile 41.9479 400219 000
Decile 54.21 060 300762 700
Decile 66.61 683 8001 363 000
Decile 79.42 391 1002 017 900
Decile 812.93 283 3002 792 900
Decile 918.34 682 8003 843 500
Decile 1050.712 935 0005 795 500
Top 5 per cent37.319 055 6008 211 000
Top 1 per cent19.850 521 80018 045 200
Top 0,1 per cent9.2235 183 30075 374 200